The Walking Dead

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If I was Beth I'd rather get eaten by a walker than have my holes split open by those anacondas

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Well its that time again Dead Day!! I have heard a 100 rumors about this episode tonight , Episode Alone'' In the second sneak peak it shows Darryl hollering for Beth, Well its been said that Beth gets kidnapped by the Hunters and episodes later Rick finds her body mutilated/eaten. The Hunters are no jk and eat humans in the comics so who knows whats gonna go down. I cant wait for Negan to finally appear. Its getting to the point where something bad is gonna happen.
Yes sir holy **** lol, Lizzie and Mika are the same characters as Ben and Billy in the comics, They both died the same way, Whats really crazy in Promo 1 to this episode the Grove it shows a small hand reaching for a gun with their pinky finger missing, that makes me for sure think the Hunters kidnapped her mauahahah
Well time for my predictions and hear say for the week, Episode Us or US. Gonna be damn interesting, Maggie and Glenn reunite, and its also been said that Len the guy that with Daryl, gets killed by Joe and his group, Kirkman has said he wanted to put a twist on things with the Hunters and Marauders from the comics. So this being said I bet the group that took Beth Is the leaders of Terminus or maybe its Father Gabriel which we will see Terminus tonight. 3 groups reach Terminus and a lady named Mary is BBQ and offers them something to eat, Its said that the food is actually human possibly Beths. Muahahahaha, Who knows . I cant wait to see the finale. cannibals, rumors that Bob dies, Rumors that Maggie see's Beths shoes while she's eating at the table. What if???????????????? They killed off Daryl???? Kirkman said in his last interview NO ONE IS SAFE lol
lol i hate your predictions but i cant find fault for any of them. i find myself agreeing with you right now. terminus cant be a safe haven and that preview with rick seeming to fall off the deep end again i have no idea what were in for. did you notice when the camera was panning around when they entered the courtyard area? they looked at the grill area then to the left some flowers and stuff then came back to the grill and Mary is magically there. she wasn't there before! i had to check again just to make sure. little creepy. i love how the writers of this show put in small and unimportant signs that end up being ironic or foreshadowing in a way. this one probably means nothing but just adds to my wariness for terminus. also at the beginning of the episode after the beth and daryl episode they showed daryl with glen picking up some dude and nobody else with them. we still dont know whats up with that yet. if they dont get separated again then im not sure what the significance of that part was for. maybe theyre just scouting for more terminus meat hehe

what are your sources for this info you get? not the wiki is it? a part of me doesn't want to know but id love to find out what kirkman is talking about
Terminus is bad news!!! SPOILER!!!! New Zealands promo was leaked this morning and it showed some messed up ****, Negan, Or looks to be Gareth. I damn well believe Beth is found cut up and mutilated. The Hunters are cannibals, I cant wait for this weeks finale but the 7 month wait for season 5 shew im gonna go in DT's. Kirkman was asked to sum up the finale of this season in 1 word and he said SAVAGE lol . Gonna be the biggest cliffhanger so far he said because of the long break for next season. LOL And about my so called source, I have none, I predicted all of the past weeks LMAO im joking I had no clue some of the stuffwould go down like it has. The comics help alot with predictions switching characters for others. I read from several Forums and FB walking dead pages through the week is where I get my info.
wow that promo spun some things around for me. i think i have an idea what might happen but i know im going to be saying "holy crap!" quite a bit next sunday. pretty sure beth might be at terminus all served up with baby rays and such. there's been a lot of talk about the hunters but i really dont think they're cannibals. wouldn't they have eaten Len after they killed him? i sort of found a more humane side to them last couple episodes even. but thatll all change next sunday im sure. someone on reddit said carl might get raped. whaaat? looks almost like ricks group wakes up to the hunters ready for vengance. that cant end well. but then ricks out at terminus later on so uh.... questions. going to be one long week.
The group that's with Daryl are the marauders, joe len , tony and the rest. The hunters are a complete different crew from the comics. Ive also heard abpout Carl getting raped.... Gonna be crazy
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If Carl gets raped then I may just stop watching the show. Honestly, there are just some lines I think that should not be crossed...
Pat I feel the same way about the Rape ordeal, The only reason this was brought to attention was because Carl was almost raped in the comics and Rick goes apeshit crazy and stops it. Its been said that Joes group are seeking revenge sorta the eye for and eye, Remember when Len said to Daryl in the woods, Was it a little one cause they don't last to long out here'' Joes group are the Marauders or Claimers as its been said. I am pumped to see the big cliffhanger this finale, However they introduce Negan in season 5 will be interesting. Eugene is the same as he was in the comics he don't know **** about the Outbreak'' That's why he keeps delaying the trip to D.C. He told Abraham that to make him protect him lol.