nicest and best fitting light hole covers...who makes em and show yours.

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I'm not sure who's bike this is but it's sharp and clean, yet simple.....I LOVE IT!!!!!

That's what I'm looking for in a hood. Very nicely done!
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And I believe thats yamarider's old quad. Couple pics of mine, that I biult for it in about 10 min. But the ones that I have pre-cut right now have a lot more time put into them. Guppy has one, but I cant seem to fine his pics with it on.




$20 shipped bent and painted or primed. Don't remember your color, so I'm not sure how easy it would be for me to match it. The ones i have pre-cut are a relatively light gauge sheet metal, but if you want a heavier gauge or different material i should be able to do it for the same price.
Plastic is one this I havent even tried to do yet. Im not against doing some experimenting if I can find a source for some and a way to heat it in precise points.

The cover on mine believe it or not is made out of an old aluminum baking pan!!! LOL In the 2 years since I made it Ive run woods, sand, and mud and other than the paint starting to come off it still looks like the day I made it. Only reason the paint is coming off though, is I was in a hurry that day and didnt prep it very well. Probably gonna be pulling it off to repaint it here soon.
$20 shipped bent and painted or primed. Don't remember your color, so I'm not sure how easy it would be for me to match it. The ones i have pre-cut are a relatively light gauge sheet metal, but if you want a heavier gauge or different material i should be able to do it for the same price.

I want one too!!