Gauging interest in building suspension components

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the link works you have to copy and paste the whole link, but i still think i'd rather have a "custom fabricated" set of jonaddis84's

What you're forgetting though is that each set is custom made. You aren't going to get wicked or any of the other big companies to custom make them to work with anything other than stock length shocks, especially for $350. $350 for a set of a-arms that are custom made to work with shocks from a yfz, raptor 700, etc is a hell of a deal if you ask me. I got a big discount, but the Burgard a-arms I have normally sell for $450, that's run of the mill for standard length shocks and no heim joints. HSD Strongarm is the only company i know that will custom make them for a 350, and theirs sell for way more than $350, actually theirs are over $750 for custom made ones, and i don't think those have heims, at least not all heims for that price.

If I didn't already have my Burgard a-arms and works shocks, I would be the first one in line for a set of Jon's a-arms made to fit yfz shocks.

So tell me which you would buy...his home made ones or these?[/quote:g5nx7om4]

I'd never spend a penny on ASR a-arms, i've seen and heard too many bad things about them. Plus I don't think I see anything about them being custom made, or all heim joints. I could have got ASRs for less than my burgards, but I didn't for a reason.

ASRs are the cheapest thing on the market for a reason. I'd rather have something that I can say is a custom made piece, than a run of the mill part that everybody knows is the cheapest thing on ebay.

Plus, aside from saving money from buying the better quality custom made ones, you also save money from not having to buy a $350 set of shocks to go with them, instead you can use yfz shocks which are better in almost every way compared to works shocks. Or heck, even 450r shocks and get them resprung and revalved, it'll be about the same price for works shocks without a reservoir, and perform better with more travel too.

So for a short answer to your question - i would buy the "home made" ones.
I think it is 14.5.There is a thread I made about them on the site somewere.I am pretty shure it is 14.5
Sorry guys, not sure if this is going to work out afterall, at least not right now. For liability insurance alone im looking at $5000 a year for one part.