Anybody photoshop?

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Heard you there, I got let go from a web design house because my work was too advanced/hard for the flash guys to use. what a joke? Then the dick wouldn't let me do my own flash coding cuz he knew he couldn't pay me what it was worth. And that is basically where I am now - doing my own thing
Flash has the possibility to be my hands down favorite program, its just that I down know how to do everything in it yet and since I know Illustrator like the back of my hand, Illustrator is my fav.
I got a question for you in illustrator? I am having a brain fart and cant remember how to take a line and have a vector brush or patterern follow that line. Know what I am talking about?
Kinda but not really, what are you trying to achieve? Illustrator allows for 100 different ways to do the same thing so Give me some in-site and I'll be able to help.
For instance If I draw a line left to right, how can I take a pattern and make it follow that line?
Well my wife started off with doing graphic work while in the Marines, then after she got out she landed a job with J. Walter Thompson, the guys who do all the Marine Corps advertising. Then after we moved over here to Japan she luckily landed a job as the Deputy Director for the Marketing department, which puts out the magazine that circulates through here aboard the base. The magazine is called the Preview nothing special just something for us Marines to look at while helping the Navy make mission....LOL No disrespect intended. I hate watcher her do stuff with photoshop, I get confused as hell seeing all those different layers? For all you guy/gals who do, good on ya, I'll stick to shooting and blowing stuff up, legally that is...
'HAHAHA JWT owns all major firms, they bought the one I work at back in the beginning of the year
Ridin fast, from the way that you descride it, you should be able to draw your line with the line tool and then just click on you pattern or brush for the approite libary. How well do you know Illustrator?
I used to know it pretty well and the way you described it is the way I used to do it - IDK maybe I messed with the settings somehow. Ill figure it out though. Im more of a photoshop and flash guy recently so my illustrator skills have gotten rusty.