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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2005
Reaction score
does anybody have xbxo live and play halo that are good at it??? let me know your gamer tag
i used to be good at halo 2, my xbox is packed up and in my closet right now, this weeked, if it gets too boring, i will dig it out. My GT is Berzerker1337... i think..
[quote:725w11q8]no, i just enjoy playing the didgeridoo

Is is a dinkie-di didgeridoo, mate?[/quote:725w11q8]
huh? wtf is a didigerdildo? is it noughty or suntin? lol
a didgeridoo is a musical instrument used by the aboriginies of Australia. It takes someone very skilled in the art of circular breathing to play one.
i like playing roostinator against 400ex's where you roost the crap out of each other

yeah except i like the part where you roost warriors and then you catch traction a little and forget to hold in the clutch and stall thats pretty fun
i play halo 2 all the time

my accounts are...

x ticktacktoe x
sk8 kid <- old account

i am legit 30 but de-ranked alot