Wtf ebc???

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Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2007
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SO, i put in a dirt digger clutch about 5 or 6 months ago. Pretty sure its gone already??? I reset my clutch pull thinking it could be that, but sure enough it wasn't? I'm lost, it shouldn't be bad already? Ill do a oil change and see what it looks like then I guess pull that cover off and see what I have going on in there. I'm kinda pissed. I really hope its something loose (spring bolts) or gunked up oil. If I have to replace it already, I'm gunna start callin the ebc clutch, Especially Built Crappy.
SO, i put in a dirt digger clutch about 5 or 6 months ago. Pretty sure its gone already??? I reset my clutch pull thinking it could be that, but sure enough it wasn't? I'm lost, it shouldn't be bad already? Ill do a oil change and see what it looks like then I guess pull that cover off and see what I have going on in there. I'm kinda pissed. I really hope its something loose (spring bolts) or gunked up oil. If I have to replace it already, I'm gunna start callin the ebc clutch, Especially Built Crappy.

That sucks man if it is the clutch what Brand you going to replace it with?
wow, i was ready to order an EBC here shortly too, but i'm glad i read this first. i'll wait for your results before i do anything. keep this updated.

im thinking of either a new stock clutch or the Hinson setup now.
Yupp, lemme tear into it some more. I praise there pads, haven't had any issues with them.

I think I'll go barnett or bitch out EBC (if it is the clutch) and see if they will comp me one, doubt it.
i think i meant to say Barnett instead of Hinson in my last post. heard they were pretty good.
Just bought a new Barnett kit off of ebay for $60 bones, (retail is $140) shipped. Gunna give it a try.
Not yet, but found that Barnett deal so Ill have some clutch to play with.

I have been workin on my truck, the quad needs some attention though.
What ever happened with this, Im pretty sure the clutch in the 87 motor is toast. I can roll it around in any gear without a problem. Trying to figure out what clutch to get.
I got the barnett in and haven't had any issues with it. My clutch is bad though, the slave is leakin. I think thats why I burnt through the EBC. When I pulled it two disks were completely gone.