Uh oh...

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Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2006
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So I went to drain the oil yesterday, and when I pulled the oil filter it was covered in metal shards. OUCH so then when I pulled the plug a bearing fell out and a plastic rod a bit longer than a candy sucker fell out. Any suggestions? I started it before working on it and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. No ping in the engine and it did shift through all the gears smoothly.
A ball bearing? I have pulled a few motors apart and can't think of where the plastic rod would come from. Did you ever have any work done on it? Like how they find surgical tools in patients xrays..lol. That's weird man!
Not sure all the motor work was done by Duncan racing. Someone else said it was a crankshaft bearing.
Well there are alot of bearings in the engine cases, but the crank is by far the biggest set of bearings. I don't know when ur work was done but I would call the boys at Duncan and tell them ur problem. Take a picture of what you found in the bike and post here if u can, we will figure out what the plastic rod is. Like fear no fish said the only plastic that we can think of is the cam chain slides. One is bolted in and the other just slides in. The one that slides in you can check if you take off your camshaft sprocket cover. It will be on the left side in like a little pocket. If that is in fact what you find it's amazing how it could come out you oil drain plug(how the hell could it go through the whole system). I think someone left something in your engine, a picture will tell for sure though what it is.
Does your reverse works ?? cause there is a ball bearing and a spring on the reverse cam,......just look by the plug hole ( close to where the reverse shift rod connect) and the plastic piece should be the cam chain slider...cause there is not a lot of plastic parts inside of the engie (cam chain slider,oil pump gear,and the small screen behing the oil plug...)
Ok guys I will try to get pics soon,I really appreciate your advice. This is going to be fun, I have never really worked on this bike myself. I have always done my own work for my blaster but they are cake. Now with the new 450 I have some time to work on the warrior with out being a bike short.
well if duncan racing did the work i would call them up and ask if they'll do something about it to fix it for free. I think they would?
Its possible but it was work done back in 98 so I am not sure. Plus the bike hasn't been raced by them for nearly 5 years.