school. SUCKS!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ontario, Canada
i know school is a place for learning but it really does ******* SUCK! im in classes with all of the browners. whenever the teacher asks a question "oh! oh! I know! i know!" gees.. and the teachers ******* suck too, they talk to damn much, the periods are too long, we get no break in between, and lunch isn't long enough! :mad: I have an english teacher that talks about sex and verginaty during romeo and juliet, french SUCKS, buisness is BORING, science just sucks too.

by the way im in grade 9 if you were wondering

anyone else want to blow off some steam? ;D
Deal with it, complaining isn't going to make it any better. If anything, it's probably going to make it even worse because you're constantly reminding yourself of the stuff that you don't like and frustrates you.

You think it's bad to be in classes with all the goodie goodies? I always seemed to pull the short straw and get stuck in the classes with all the clowns and screw ups. It's friggin frustrating when everyone around you has the sense of humor of a 10 year old. On the bright side, it did make me look like a class-a student.
I know what your talkin about, i somehow managed to get into honors classes and i am the only kid in the class who doesnt do the homework or projects. im the biggest slacker when it comes to school but still manage to get pretty good grades.
im not an adult by any means(21) but i can say that id go back again if i had the chance. nothing like seeing friends all day and having a free roof to live under with food and few (if any) bills to pay. The real world is what really sucks.
Heres the deal, I hated school, didn't do homework, didn't care much unless it was autoshop or woodshop, anyway I did what I had to do to graduate and everything was fine for a long time, but I've reached an age were now I wish I would of paid more attention to detail, you will realize it more when you have kids, I've got one comming within the next year, but my brother is only 10 and helping him with his homework is like going full circle, this is when you realize. At times now I'll actually be studing more about English and Mathamatics, stuff I should of learned 15 to 17 years ago lol. Anyway your right, sometimes the teacher is the problem, I believe they should have counselers watching and evaluating the teachers as much as the kids, because if the kids are bored as **** in class they aren't going to learn anything.
mattd i am the same way. when the teachers are boring all we do is goof off and not pay attention. but if it was more interesting it would be better. I do think I should try harder sometimes but I have to have a life too. I want to have a good job when i'm older but I don't really know what i'd want to do. I know i REALLY want to be in a band and do that thing rather than having a normal job, but people say its not gunna happen so i dno.

but really it is funny to see the browners work so hard at everything and I don't work that hard and I get from 70's to 80's. so i'm doing fine.
Don't ever say never, at the very least you could be in a cover band which are pretty big around here, and they pay pretty good for a Fri or Sat nite.
When I was younger(I'm only 15) I used to love school and do pretty good. I was acceling 1st through 5th and then 6th school started going downhill slowly but surely. 6th i passed and was still making the Honor Roll(average 85+) and 7th I just slipped by and 8th came the first year of summer school. Got through that and last year was my Freshmen year(9th grade) and I started getting sick of school and people and had 40+ absences. In my school if your limited to 20 per year. So after the absences got outta control I signed an arch contact which brought them down to 18. And right around this time me and my father got into a HUGE fight over school and that I'm screwing my life up. So my Dad wanted me out and I had to go stay with my Aunt a few streets down(2-3min. drive). She worked with me and got me back on track with homework and everything cause when I was at my parents house I wasn't doing **** in and out of school. I passed my Biology regents and arched out in 4 different classes. We're limited to 2 electives and I had chose engines class which is a double period class but I could only take 2 classes in summer school so now I have to take my other 2 9th grade classes this year so no engines class for me. I'm good at doing work in the beginning of the year for the first month before I start falling behind(and before I keep going on I have really bad ADHD. idk if anyone else does but mine is pretty bad. please don't be jerks and say something about it cause it's very common in kids these days and I can already see someone saying something) But yeah, I have it under control now and I realize how important school is and stuff and I'm actually getting all my work done and stuff.

Sorry for such a long post guys but I have even more to say still :/

But there's this girl named Reann who's just a plain out BITCH to me(Justin I don't really care if you say anything but if you do it might start trouble with me and her). I've been sitting at this one lunch table everyday for awhile now and she decided to start sitting there. Me and her used to be friends but people are assholes and start rumors and make stupid **** up cause they think it's funny but her friends said I had herpies(it's acne I'm a teen) and she's a ******* dumass and believed them so she stopped talking to me and started being a asshole to me and said **** to people to about it. After all that happened she still sat at my table and just wouldn't stop and the other day she was saying stuff about me and my family and house and called me a scumbag and that just pushed it and I was ready to hit her in the face but I woulda been arressted since I'm a boy and she's a dum bitch. But my mom asked me how school was and I told her what happened and she called my aunt who works there(the one I stayed with) and told her and she told the bitch's principle. So now she's not allowed to talk or look at me or sit at our table and before this was resolved school sucked and I didn't want to go.

Sorry for such a long post guys but I figured it was the right thread to say this in. Thanks for reading it whoever does.


Guys I'm sorry for such a long post but I guess I was
All I can tell ya dude is to relax, and enjoy it, it could be hard at times, there is a lot of competition in school with everone. I was not in any group, but basically got along with everyone, guidos, burnouts, freaks, and your ethnic groups. I just chose to be my own person, and did the school work because I just wanted to get out, and go to work. Hang in there it'll work out, as time passes on things are forgotten.
Thanks dave76. i wasn't sure if anyone would actually read that whole thing lol. Thanks for the advice man. Yea, that's kinda what I wanna do. I do sports and stuff too to help get through it. But I just wanna get done with it and get out. Thanks though man.

I agree with Dave. Just stick it out and get through it. I never liked school, but it will get better as you start getting closer to graduation. Senior year I almost didn't want to leave (almost). But yeah, just stick it out, and do what you have to do in order to get decent grades and make it through. A little slacking off now can really screw you over after you graduate, and need a full time job, and the only place that wants to hire you sells happy meals.

You think you got it hard? Try having a bitchy lesbo english teacher 3 years straight, and having to restrain yourself from making any wisecracks the whole time lol. That's approaching the level of "cruel and unusual punishment" in my book.
Yamarider is right, senior year was a big party. This one time in Gym class a dude tried to be funny and pull my shorts down, well he didn't get them all the way down and ran off laughing thinking it was funny and I was like you didn't finish, and pulled them all the way down and threw my hands up and mooned him, thats when the teacher saw and was like what the hell, gave ME detetion because he didn't belive me, anyway it was funny. The moral is don't let things bother you, I eventually talked my way out of detention after I explained it.
I just think school should be more fun. We don't have cheerleaders at our school! :eek: like WTF doesn't every school have cheerleaders!? LOL
all the cheerleaders at my school are butt ugly and fat. it sucks
lmao drj300ex. We have 1 HUGE cheerleader whose ass ugly but all the other ones are thin with maybe a few chunky's lol.
I think all schools suck. i hated my school and when i was at school i was dreaming of entering the university cause i thougt it will be funny there, and now i`m studying at the university and it does suck too. So i think studying suck!