riding techniques?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2010
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Essexvile, MICHIGAN!=)
i was just wondering how do i get the back end to kick out in the sand, and different techniques i could use on all of the forest, trails, and the track
yeha you gotta break the wheels loose of the ground and shift your weight a lot/turn a little the opposite way your shifting weight.
How much gas you have to give it and such depends on the terrain. It also depends on the terrain because sometimes some terrain will be more tacky than others and you wont be able to break it lose depending how powerful you're quad is. On sand you should be able to just punch it in a lower gear and have it break loose but be sure to lean with it and figure out how to work the gas. Turn the wheels a little one way, lean towards the left or right depending on which way you turned, and gas it. You've just gotta play with it and experience it to get it down