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well yea but i mean it pisses me off i post a few pics for them to check out and for others to post the raptor 350 pics and they just ****** wreck the whole post on me cause they have nothin good to say.
That kind **** is presicely the reason I don't hang out there anymore. It's just not productive.

You look for input or insight and you get ********.

This place is much better IMO
That kind **** is presicely the reason I don't hang out there anymore. It's just not productive.

You look for input or insight and you get ********.

This place is much better IMO

We will soon have a website as well I am working pretty much around the clock on one now!
Honestly I clicked on the link, and I thought the worst. I thought that people were really going to be bashing it hard. Not only were thier comments weak like 350 ratpors aren't very popular then the next guy said or good. Next to that some guy said this hed take a shee or yfz.

Anyway take some new pics we sure would love to see them :)
ok i can see where your coming from yamaharaptor350... but think about it ppl post pics in here of a honda 400 ex or blaster.. or w/e and we bash the **** outta those quads just because its a honda or because its a whimpy little blaster.... sometimes you just gotta take **** from ppl.... your quad is awsome and i know it could prolly be 1/2 of the ex riders ***** on that site... its just we do the same here to other ppl and not think twice untill we get **** back then its like wtf... do you get wht im saying???
ok i can see where your coming from yamaharaptor350... but think about it ppl post pics in here of a honda 400 ex or blaster.. or w/e and we bash the **** outta those quads just because its a honda or because its a whimpy little blaster.... sometimes you just gotta take **** from ppl.... your quad is awsome and i know it could prolly be 1/2 of the ex riders ***** on that site... its just we do the same here to other ppl and not think twice untill we get **** back then its like wtf... do you get wht im saying???
Ok man i understand what ure sayin but when do we bash pics of 400ex and blsters??? ive always complimented on other peoples quads from hondas to yamahas those people were being completly bias and gay. Yea sometimes i say stuff about hondas here and there but its all fun and games im never like omg its a 400ex i hate it u know.... Pelphrey i know the coments really werent that bad but it just made me feel like **** cause i was thinkin people would enjoy goin on and lookin at different quads and stuff, the 3rd, 4th, and 5th posts on there just pissed me of... thanx for all your input guys ;D
I understand where you are coming from. But these people just take whats handed to them and **** it up. Your bike is really nice, no matter what anyone else says..
I went and posted a pic just to make you feel better ;)
The thing is, there is a difference between brand loyalty and bashing a specific person's quad.

I think that's what has Yamaharaptor350 upset.

That kind of thing is rampant over there and, again, why I don't hang there anymore. It's just too childish.
ok i can see where your coming from yamaharaptor350... but think about it ppl post pics in here of a honda 400 ex or blaster.. or w/e and we bash the **** outta those quads just because its a honda or because its a whimpy little blaster.... sometimes you just gotta take **** from ppl.... your quad is awsome and i know it could prolly be 1/2 of the ex riders ***** on that site... its just we do the same here to other ppl and not think twice untill we get **** back then its like wtf... do you get wht im saying???

Well really the 400ex, 300ex, 250ex riders shouldn't be here in the first place, this a warrior and raptor 350 only site. EX riders has a place for everything, which is one and only reason why it is so popular. The 350cc and below forum is for everything below 350cc's so anyone with those machines can post there.Yet if you have anything and i mean anything besides a 300ex or 250 ex they are going to bash you. I don't post on that site for that reason. No matter what you got done to your quad you have a little cocky kid thats full opinions like most young kids on the Internet, they talk as much **** as possible on the Internet yet if you were to confront them in person they would'nt say ****. Most people that have any sense of maturity wouldn't bash without having a reason, or at least use constructive criticism when they do. ::)
The thing is, there is a difference between brand loyalty and bashing a specific person's quad.

I think that's what has Yamaharaptor350 upset.

That kind of thing is rampant over there and, again, why I don't hang there anymore. It's just too childish.
trx450 or sumthin like that got me banned from for bashing on this site so i bashed back

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