my 2000 warrior

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Aug 14, 2006
Reaction score
west palm beach





i also have some questions...
acople weeks ago it started acting funny..
when i hit the gas it would like back fire and act like it wasent geting gas
and i took a look and the rubber boot inbetween the carb and engine had holes so i thoght it wasent geting a good fule/air mix so i but a new boot on and it helped but befor i got to actully see if it was fixed the clutch lever broke and i had to ride home with no clutch
and i have now ordered a new one..
but..i started it up today and when i hit the gas it just like putters and wont go full throttel any ideas of what it could be??
thanks! please help!
I know just what your problem is man, it's the sensor on your clutch perch. It's a sensor that activates a 2000 rpm rev limiter when the parking brake is engaged, and seeing that you just had issues with your clutch lever, i'm guessing that you didn't get everything put back together exactly right when you fixed it. If you take off your headlights (3 bolts, 2 wire connectors) and hood (4 screws) and follow the wires from the clutch perch down to the wiring harness, you will see that one of the sensors has 2 seperate spade connectors, and that the other one has a single plastic connector. If you unplug the single plastic connector you will bypass the rev limiter circuit and if all goes smoothly it'll be running like a champ again. You can just leave it disconnected, it won't do any harm as long as you have enough common sense to release the parking brake before you ride.