i wanna start XC

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Well-Known Member
May 14, 2006
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all right,i have decided to try and start racing XC

what are some tips??
what do i need?
what shouldi get?

and what tires shouldi get that last long??

please HELP!!

and what bars/bend should i get for XC racing?
get a sport quad!!
blow up recon!!

You're don't have a very good memory, do you? I believe we've already been through this several times. Quit trying to stir up **** just for the sake of being a dickhead.

Now, if your opinion is so strong that you can't just keep it to yourself, try this. Write your feelings down in a letter, put the letter in a self-addressed, stamped envelope, then crumple it up into a nice little ball and shove it up your ass!
First of all the recon is not a racer, doesnt have the power or the suspension. Second of all the bars/bend is personal preference no one can tell you what kind of bars you will like. Last but not least, 01warrior for about the millionth time, HE CANNOT GET A SPORT QUAD. lol. Hillclimingrecon im not flaming you about your recon its just not ment for racing. Just my 2 cents.
hahhahahhah^ , if you are confortable with your stock bars why would you want to buy bars jsut for xc, xc you you get very tried last thing you want is unconfortable bars ,stupid question if you liek your bars.as for getting stuff theres realy nothing you can get for a Recon beside tires and a pipe there not realy race bike i mean sure u can do xc but theres not much you can do to it to make it beter unless you good at making stuff. If you get serious with racing your deff goign to want to ditch your recon and get a sport quad were you have room to impove your mechine un like the Recon!

i wouldnt have posted about recon not being able to get a sport quad but you guys posted a minute before i did.
Recon you ask all these question about what to do to your ute on a warrior form? Join Atvconnection.com and ask them! i am not saying get out of here but its getting kinda old with all you post saying you want suspension,start racing and **** and need advise on it go there their are probably allot more people like you on there that Will help you more then us ! The stuff you say is pointless !,to us and we give you answers but if you don't like it u go with what you want before and keep asking and asking ,just go there form your ute question and maybe you will get better answers, if you don't get helpful or no post at all then maybe come back and ask us and Will see what we can do.

Out ~Eddie
I say, if he want's to race a Recon, then RACE IT.

But i'd run the utility class :eek:

If your gonna race a Recon, i highly suggest you get the full body armor cause if that thing lands on you, your serverly f**ked.

Anything you should get for the Recon, idk, ive never seen anyone build one up, i'm just a mechanic and replace worn/bust'd part's with new OEM Part's.
lol,okay guys...

ill stop

well what tpe of tips for racing??like to get a better holeshot,or raling coners or going faster in general,what shouldi do?
lol,okay guys...

ill stop

well what tpe of tips for racing??like to get a better holeshot,or raling coners or going faster in general,what shouldi do?

order john natalies tips and tricks dvd or another one similar to that
lol,okay guys...

ill stop

well what tpe of tips for racing??like to get a better holeshot,or raling coners or going faster in general,what shouldi do?

Shift good. Drick Alot of energy drinks, pay attention, and who cares if you come in last you can tell the person if he/she didnt complete the race that you ******* completed the race on a ******* recon so you can go screw off!

lol yea but forget that last part
The best launches I got out of my recon and my brother's 250ex is to rev it up a LITTLE (don't bounce it off the rev limiter) and pop the clutch in 2nd (i know, it's an auto clutch, but you know what I mean). 1st gear is just too low to get a good launch. The best thing I can say to ride fast is to get to know the track good first, and then just totally push it to the limit. If you're not going wide open throttle, then you're on the brakes as hard as you can, then back on the throttle 100% again as you come out of the corner. Rev the hell out of that little engine, you won't hurt it, it's got a rev limiter for a reason. Oh yeah, the recon's drum brakes aren't real good, so make sure they're adjusted right before you start the race. You don't want them fading out halfway through the race and either crashing or having to put-put around the course to finish.
yes practice your startups i start in 2nd rev it up and dump the clutch try not to get too much tire spin but dont let off the gas, too much spin will cause you to loose traction, i say for the utility, bearclaws....i have spider tracs and they suck for everythingbut sand and mud but they are good to have for extra, you might want to practice jumping off of logs and really fast riding through the trails
[quote:a9z0gqc3]lol,okay guys...

ill stop

well what tpe of tips for racing??like to get a better holeshot,or raling coners or going faster in general,what shouldi do?

order john natalies tips and tricks dvd or another one similar to that[/quote:a9z0gqc3]

Yeah or you can buy a copy from me for 12 bucks...oops did I just say that..
The best launches I got out of my recon and my brother's 250ex is to rev it up a LITTLE (don't bounce it off the rev limiter) and pop the clutch in 2nd (i know, it's an auto clutch, but you know what I mean). 1st gear is just too low to get a good launch.

Your pretty much right on the answer, but at the gate try rolling your quad back and forth a bit to set the tire tread's down inside the ground a little, when the card is turned sideway's get your engine rpm's around 4000 and keep your eye's on the gate, soon as the gate drop's drop the clutch and let the quad take off on it's own for about a sec (enough time to roll the tire's instead of spin) then punch the gas wide open and go threw the gear's for the holeshot. Keep in mind, you'll alway's want to start in 2nd gear.

The best thing I can say to ride fast is to get to know the track good first, and then just totally push it to the limit. If you're not going wide open throttle, then you're on the brakes as hard as you can, then back on the throttle 100% again as you come out of the corner.

Again i 95% agree.

The first time i even seen an MX Track in person was the first time i ever actually really pushed a quad. Of course i was a little scared, who wouldnt be after seeing a 70' table top for the first time and knew they had to jump the entire thing?

After finally saying f**k fear, i rolled onto the track (planned to ease around it a few lap's to get the rythm of it) but wen't into the first turn wide open. Really didnt realize how close the first jump was (40' Table) untill i came out of the turn and your already on it. Zoom'd over it wide open and made an almost perfect landing, so i then just went wide open all around the track.

Best thing you can do over the jump's is make d@mn sure your commonsense will come into play because one mess up and your gonna get hurt.

People talk about landing their quad's on the rear tire's first, NOOOO, you wan't all four tire's to land pretty much at the same time if not at the same time. When landing rear tire's first, it will slam the frontend down and throw it back up making it wheelie coming off the jump. When landing front tire's first, it's either gonna cause you to turn it from all the weight behind pushing on the tire's and it will slam the rear tire's down causing you to lose a bit of speed by bounching the rear end off the ground a few time's creating wheel spin.

Another thing is, when you first feel your in the air off a jump, let completely off the gas then when you think your about a foot off the ground nail the throttle, it will give you a gain of speed from not spinning the tire's.

But all in all, you really dont want to get that much air on a Utility Quad.
okay,well,the MOST air i have EVER had was around 6 foot,and that was kinda scary(i all most hit a tree,long story)

but there wouldnt be HUGE jumps in a XC race would there??just natural terrain,right?
Most XC courses will send you thru the MX part of the track also, so get yourself ready for it. And the post above was right about the jumps being RIGHT after a turn, they come up quick. I do my holeshots in second gear and I'm always off the line first, even against bigger quads. Once your in the woods, it "almost" doesn't matter too much what you're on. If you're good, you're going to do well. If you suck, and I put you on a yfz or 450r built for GNCC racing, you're still gonna eat a tree or not finish. Go out and ride for two hours straight, as fast as you can next weekend and see how you feel the next day. Then you'll have an idea what it's like to ride at about 70% race speed for two hours....lol.
lol okay

so now for prtection,shouldi get nerfs??are they really needed? and should iget hand guards?what type??do they really make a diffrence??and what class should i run? i h heard i have torun with blasters,300ex's,mojaves and so on,do yo think it woukld be a good race??or will they blow me away?
handguards are good, somewhat keep hands dry and clear from rocks and trees.....i would pipe it and jet, also take off the racks and cut the fenders so it is more sporty, kind of like the CAN-AM in the new dirt wheels......like i said just keep practicing the fast riding and start ups

you have hit 6 feet on a utility quad......jesus christ im supprised your still here to tell that story

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