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thanks for the link sppedped79 :)

no prob i will keep spreading the word i have nothing else to do besides this and ride im formally suspened from school at the moment lol long story but anyway it gets boring during the day during school hours
veloci pmed me in atvforums way back when it was like warrior central or sumthin like that and we had retarded people running it
i was a memeber of warriorcentral b4 i even had a but i found it at bluetraxx.
DeathShadow personally knocked on my door, punched me in the eye and said wtf are you doing. Sign up you bitch.
[quote:kay5ciwa]thanks for the link sppedped79 :)

no prob i will keep spreading the word i have nothing else to do besides this and ride im formally suspened from school at the moment lol long story but anyway it gets boring during the day during school hours [/quote:kay5ciwa]

I can't remember how I got here, but I've got plenty of time to read tonight so let us in on it speedped 79.

no prob i will keep spreading the word i have nothing else to do besides this and ride im formally suspened from school at the moment lol long story but anyway it gets boring during the day during school hours

I can't remember how I got here, but I've got plenty of time to read tonight so let us in on it speedped 79.[/quote:4ywn99oh]
uhhhhh ok