Double oil coolers!!??

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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2010
Reaction score
New London, Ohio
So im at work today, bored out of my mind, so i got to thinking about an idea ive been wondering if it would work good... Can the warrior or raptors be run with both oil cooler mods?? What i mean is can you have both the bigbear setup and the clutch cover setup? It seems to me that it would work no prob. if you run your 2 lines from the bigbear adapter into its own cooler and then run both lines from the clutch cover into its own cooler and WALA! You'll be rewarded with double the cooling. Mount the coolers stacked on top of each other under the hood to make it simple.... So what your input on this guys and gals??
sounds like it would work but what about the space issues, maybe get some inline coolers that have the little fins on them and run them up the frame before and after the main cooler
Ah never thought of that. Well ive been thinking of this for a while now and i figured if i tried it i would just double stack the coolers on top of the front frame, under the hood.
as long as you run in warm temps it should be okbut i think it would be to much in the winter
I personally can't think having oil "too" cool is a bad thing in a normal riding situation. In extreme cold, well, sure, but few of us would ride in zero degrees much. When you do, just make a cheap cover out of some vinyl or naugahyde and velcro it over the cooler.
Why not consider a Harley style thermostat/cooler? Back in the '90's Harley's kits came with an automatic thermostat/bypass that went in between the cooler and pump. Flows a little when cold, opens fully when it got to 180ish or so. Used to be able to buy them seperate, but I can't find them quickly when searching.

A company called Derale makes 'em, too. There's more styles available, but this gives you an idea:

Also, do a search for Lockhart brand oil coolers. Both Derale and Lockhart have been around a looong time.

To get an idea of how "big" an oil cooler could be, look at the '86-92 Suzuki GSXR 750 and similar 1100's. The engines appear to be water cooled, but have short heat sink fins on the rocker cover, head and cylinder along with the big honkin' oil cooler in front. The pistons crowns were squirted with a constant flow of oil from underneath. Even that technology wasn't new in 1986: WWII fighter planes used it. Pretty bitchin' idea that worked very well. Durability of those Suzuki engines was and is second to none.
Back in the day, I roadraced and street rode a '90 750 in 30 degree weather with no problems. As somebody mentioned before, just don't expect to run 20W-50 then... Remember, new cars get along just fine with 5W20...
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It has to run at full all the time or the engine wont be getting oil that would great for a water cooler but the warrior is air cooled

Oil does flow all of the time. The thermostat will simply bypass the cooler when the oil is not up to temp.
I wouldn't steer ya wrong :tup:
I know this is crazy old but has anyone tried this??
the problem i see is the oil pump not providing enough pressure with all that oil line and coolers and still having to pump it through the motor. in theory it's a good idea to keep your oil as cool as possible BUT with all the oil line you WILL loose pressure and thats not good. People run into the same problem on hot rod cars trying to run a remote dual filter and oil cooler. it's just not possible for the pump to maintain enough pressure. I would personally be scared of the pressure loss myself.
im not that worried about it i will be putting a pressure gauge the oil line just in case
check the pressure before the second cooler is installed and after with a warm engine to see what the pressure loss is
Would like to see this work... btw where is the clutch oil cooler guru I would like one but can't seem to get in touch with him
If everything else is good and sealed I dont see how you can loose pressure unless you have a air bubble or a leak

because it's not sealed. the oil is always flowing back down into the oil sump. it's like feeding a water well with the same water thats being pumped out of it. Think of it like this. you have a 10 foot piece of 1/2 inch pvc with a cap on one end with a 1/8th inch hole drilled in it and you blow on it to build a certain pressure. ok now add another 10 foot to it and you'll have to blow twice as hard to achieve the same pressure. now on something big it wont make much difference BUT on how small that warrior oil pump is... it's not designed to pump that much oil to sustain operating oil pressure with that much extra line to fill