Dirtbike help please

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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2011
Reaction score
Dayton Ohio
Alright, iv been on some some dirtbike forums and they all suck. 700 views and only a couply of responces and they didnt stick around. And i know some of you have dirt bikes and are always a big help.. soo heres my question, my cr250 seized up on me, opended up the case and found out it was my kickstart. Im not quite sure waht happend, but it turns over if i move the clutch basket. Im asuming something with the kickstart sliding off and on the clutchbasket because it wont slide onto it anymore.. i really dont know how it was in the first place.. so i took it all apart (clutch basket off and kickstart assembaly) and made sure it was all in working order and put it back togather and like i said i cant get the clutch abasket to fit inbeween the kickstard gear and the lower gear (dont know what to call it ). its like the clutch baskets too big.. btw im not a big mechanic so if i call something the wrong name sorry.. any help please?
post pics and i can prolly help had one do something similar and it had a washer behindit and the basket would hit the gears and not le it roll over but pics would be nice!
hmm.. my kick start rattled when i got it, and didnt return right or stay up, i think it only turnd over from pressure from the kickstart gear presing upagainst the clutch basket.. maybe, idk ill get pics and you can tell me what you think then, im stumped ha
You need an exploded diagram of the kicker and clutch side to verify that you have all of the parts, and that they are all assembled in proper order.
Can be found online.
No guesswork required.
ha i looked at all the parts online and stuff, i might be missing a couple washers.. but is it possible the guy befor me put a kx kickstart assembaly in it as a temp fix? because the kickstart lever is from a kx and its almost like the kickstart gear is just too big? i might just remove the whole kickstart assembaly and push start it for the rest of its life haha