aftermarket CDI for Raptor 350

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Mar 3, 2005
Reaction score
I'm running 12:1 with stock ignition I have a feeling its not really doing to great anyone have any suggestions and know a CDI that works great? that CDI sold on ebay for the raptor 350 that actually claims it has a rev limiter increase(********?) does it increase spark anyone have any experience thanks
Ive been hunting around, i have found the rev boxes from big gun that are supposed to give a better advance but no one has anything yet so i really don't know if it works or not.
I could get you guys pictures if you really want but for looks it looks completey stock besides the carburator and the exhaust

let me know
yeah man deffinatly get us some pics!! Always like to see other raptor 350's cause like noone around here has one but me and mine looks stock except for a few things to so dont worry about that