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[quote:qi0zulzu]And the Vatican released statements denouncing those papers.

Right, no one got blown up over them.

Thanks for proving my point.[/quote:qi0zulzu]
Just how many abortion clinics have been bombed by the Cathloic Right? Thought so.

And as for being poor, it's not just the economic parts.

Stalin said"Give me a child, and I'll show you a Communist for life." Wonder what children think when daddy's burning an effigy of GWB?
Soooo....the Catholic Right blew up abortion clinics because some country printed cartoons of preist and little boys.........? ::)
Exactly. Those abortion bombers may be twisted but there aren't THOUSANDS of them. And they at least feel that they are saving lives. The way they see it is that if they take a few lives, it'll save hundreds or thousands of other lives. I haven't ever heard of anyone except muslims killing over a What is to be gained by the towel heads except for murder? Both kinds of killings are wrong but it is still not a good comparison. Plus, the US is not helping those abortion bombers.
Soooo....the Catholic Right blew up abortion clinics because some country printed cartoons of preist and little boys.........? ::)

No, they did that because 12 people over 20 years ago made abortion legal.

And there ARE thousands of them 350 got arrested in Buffalo last year....all part of a co-ordanated attack across the country. Estimated at over 10K pepole nationwide showed up to protest
That cartoon was a trigger. Much like RowVs Wade was a trigger for the Aborton Right.

If there is pent up hostility, the smallest thing can trigger it. Look at Rodney King. One person beat for running from the cops, almost burned LA to the ground.

When you don;t have ****, sometimnes the afterlife is all you have to look forward to.
When you don;t have ****, sometimnes the afterlife is all you have to look forward to.

That's a worthless argument.

If that's the case, just ******* off yourself.
What does taking dozens, hundreds, or thousands of inocent people with you??
I think 'someone' is forgetting this thread was about people getting worked up over a cartoon:

What is up with all the towel heads getting so torn up about a cartoon!?
When you don;t have ****, sometimnes the afterlife is all you have to look forward to.

That's a worthless argument.

If that's the case, just ******* off yourself.
What does taking dozens, hundreds, or thousands of inocent people with you??
[/quote:nikgwg8r]Makes you feel good.

I'm sure If I was going to /self, I'd take as many motherfuckers with me as I could.
Ha Ha, and 10k protesting doesn't mean 10k RIOTING. 350 arrested for what? Jaywalking and the like or refusing to disband? That is a far cry from people killing complete strangers.

The Rodney King thing further strengthens my case. Same thing there, they were looking for an excuse to riot. Notice the statement they made was more like 'do us wrong and we'll do ourselves wrong' It was black business owners who were really hurt in those riots. Notice the rioters didn't go to the people who they claimed done em wrong, but just started looting stores and setting fires in their own neighborhoods. That is just as stupid as the towel heads.
Actually he knows more than you think. Protestants do not have a pope but Catholics do and they are also Christians.
TIME FOR YOUR LESSON: 1st off thats where you are wrong christians are way diffrent then catholics.... i go to a christian school... there IS a diffrence... just i dont beleive in any other them.. christains do not have popes or bishops they have a pastor. catholics believe and worship virgin mary christians do not. catholics confess their sins to the father A.K.A the pope.. catholics belive in pergatory christians do not.. could go on for ever but wont there is a diffrence.... psssh No0bS!!
hahaha, dude, look it up. Do a search on christian in a dictionary. Protestants and Catholics are very different but both are still christians. Here, I'll make it easy for ya ::) . BTW, Lutheranism was the first protestant religion which broke off from the Catholic church in the early 1500's.

If you only consider Protestants (Baptists, Epentacostals, etc) as Christians, they are actually only about one sixth of the Christian population world wide. Catholics far out number Protestants. Then there are other Christians as well.

I hope that "Christian" school ain't brain washing you into thinking ya'll are the only Maybe a public school would be better considering you mispelled at least eight (ate) words in that post and didn't make sense at all in this spot: "just i dont beleive in any other them" *huh?*!
If knowledge is've now got some extra muscle I hope...and you're welcome! :-*
hahaha, dude, look it up. Do a search on christian in a dictionary. Protestants and Catholics are very different but both are still christians. Here, I'll make it easy for ya ::) . BTW, Lutheranism was the first protestant religion which broke off from the Catholic church in the early 1500's.

If you only consider Protestants (Baptists, Epentacostals, etc) as Christians, they are actually only about one sixth of the Christian population world wide. Catholics far out number Protestants. Then there are other Christians as well.

I hope that "Christian" school ain't brain washing you into thinking ya'll are the only Maybe a public school would be better considering you mispelled at least eight (ate) words in that post and didn't make sense at all in this spot: "just i dont beleive in any other them" *huh?*!
If knowledge is've now got some extra muscle I hope...and you're welcome! :-*
i know i mispelled a few words as in other i ment of** but where do you get 8? and my school isnt brain washing me...i dont belive in any relgion. but i know quite a bit about the diffreces between catholics and christians.... let me ask you this what do you consider a
christian is?????
No, by definition it is someone who follows the teachings of Christ.

"i know i mispelled a few words as in other i ment of** " HUH?
Where did I get eight? Right here: diffrent (different), then (than), diffrence (difference), beleive (believe), christains (christians), belive (believe), pergatory (purgatory), diffrence (difference)

Did you not go to the link I posted? It will tell you what a Christian is and breaks them down further into denominations of the Christian churches with just a couple of clicks.

To say you are a Christian does not make it clear as to which religion you are. As you have pointed out, there are many differences in the Christian churches. For example, Catholics compared to Baptists.