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"Can't we all just get along....?"

Yeah we can. From opposite sides of the

What was up with that little rant Death? We'll get Pelphrey to ban you! :p
Attitude also founded this nation. From what you are saying, the Danish should be oppressed in their beliefs to spare the feelings of the muslims. Sounds a <s>little</s> very biased to me! Religious freedom does not mean taking away someone else's freedom to oppose your religion. The muslims should have the freedom to be offended but not the freedom to censor others.

I believe all people should be free NOT JUST AMERICANS. That includes the press. Our country faces many trials because of freedom of the press, but we deal with it because it is necessary to help maintain freedom. We are not talking about a few people bombing abortion clinics but THOUSANDS of muslims attacking people that they know nothing of except where their targets are from.

As for what people will blow themselves up for... watch the news sometime, they will do it for anything from relationships gone bad to drugs. These muslims are trying to harm other people over a cartoon! I wouldn't mind nearly so much if they were just blowing themselves up.

Religion is great and should be a right to all people everywhere. But when a gov't seeks to punish people because they aren't of the same religion, that is wrong. Why support a gov't like that at all? I've supported the war on terror from day one, but if the US is funding rebuilding (which it is), we shouldn't punish the Danish for allowing it's citizens their freedom. People are quick to say that the war in Iraq is for freedom, but the gov't in place there now seeks to punish another people because of their freedoms.

You can say that it is just a few fanatics until your blue in the face, but the fact remains that those few turn into thousands quite often and always with the same result: murder. They look for any excuse to curse America and Israel. Even if it is a simple cartoon. That is not religion, but rather a way to try to justify their terroristic acts on everyone who is not muslim. You take up for em like they were being oppressed, but they are the ones trying to oppress others.

under Danish law, that cartoon was legal. The problem came when said cartoon was published OUTSIDE of Danish lands. and GWB DID LIE. Does that make me a Liberal? Not by along shot. I feel that the US citizens don't need to know 90% of the **** that the LIBERAL media portray.

And one could say that WE are the infedels. We invaded a soverign nation WITHOUT a declaration of war(UN Violation #1) We overthrew a government(UN violation #2, and a direct conflict with an Exectutive order BTW) And we are now occupying said country(UN Violation #3) How would you feel if all the sudden one day Canada, or Mexico decided to take over Michigan. I think you'd be a little pissed.

Is the world a better place with Saddam out of power? HELL RESOUNDING YES.

Should we have gone in the way we did? Nope. If the Leaders would have a spine, and say"We are removing a dictator for reasons of national security" The usa would ave stood behind him 110%.

the REAL reason we are in Iraq?

Staging base. We are on 2 Borders of Iran now, Pakastan, Afganastan, are under our control, or at least supervision.

Ever wonder why the USA is building airbases, and staging bases in Northern Iraq? It's not to line Halliburton's pockets.

The BIG problem I see with this administration, is they are trying to Empire build about 200 years too late.

9/11 happened because CLITon was too busy trying to attack EVERYONE,while chopping militarybudgets.

The Paki's were going to HAND Osama's head on a platter...Tricky Dick was not interested.

Eitherway, more dead towelheads=I'm a happy guy.

As for the cartoon, People spend BILLIONS on Made for TV hard is it to get some Dirtfarmers enraged over a picture?

Hell, I got a few enraged here with 20 min of work......................

Ever think that cartoon did EXACTLY what it was intended to do?
Oh, here's the cartoon.

And again the cartoon is right on the money. Most of his followers are just looking for an excuse to fight and blame it on their religion. You don't see any other religions doing that several times a year. Jews have been persecuted more than all other people put together and yet they still don't do it. Now the media seems to be scared to print anything for fear that they'll upset the muslims. They'll be upset anyway, print it all!

At least the police in Afgan have started to take a stand against the rioters.
How would the Christans here feel about a cartoon of the pope with a small child bent over in front of him? How about the Jews?
i had to correct you ... christians DO NOT have a pope... they have a pastor...
How would the Christans here feel about a cartoon of the pope with a small child bent over in front of him? How about the Jews?

Yeah, I'll bet no other countries printed any cartoons of priests and little boys, right?? ::)
Actually he knows more than you think. Protestants do not have a pope but Catholics do and they are also Christians.

2xtreme, I'm sure there are many jokes about Christians. They may not have the mental capacity to make them into cartoons That takes more frequent brainwaves!
How would the Christans here feel about a cartoon of the pope with a small child bent over in front of him? How about the Jews?

Yeah, I'll bet no other countries printed any cartoons of priests and little boys, right?? ::)[/quote:uu1revjt]

And the Vatican released statements denouncing those papers.

Is it our fault that most Islamic peoples come from dirt poor countrie that religon is the ONLY thing they have?
Being poor is no excuse for ignorance. By storydude's reasoning, if religion were truly all they have, wouldn't they follow it to the letter rather than beating their own religious leaders if they get in the way of the violence that they seek so often? They are just BLOOD THIRSTY! That is all.