My first race is tomorrow morning

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Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2005
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Since I'm not getting any younger I finally decided to **** or get off the pot. I'm running a local hare scramble tomorrow at the Slippery Rock Dunes near Pittsburgh. I've been considering it for a long time, and finally just decided to do it. Anybody that's ever ran hare scrambles before feel free to offer some advice. I don't think I'll be able to sleep
When they bump in the back of you get out of the way or they will run you off the trail the 2nd time lol ;D

Good luck ;)
Just don't get intimidated by anyone or anything. I was sortta intimidated by the track at first because first lap i was wide open over every jump and was leaving a Banshee like he was in 2nd gear rolling around the track, but he was actually all over the throttle.

Another thing, keep your eye's as wide open as possible, you'll probably find yourself not even blinking (i dont blink while on track because i'm that serious).
I don't wear goggles, so that's gonna be a I wear glasses and can't stand goggles. First lap they're coming off and hopefully nobody says anything about it. They'll literally drive me crazy, I'd rather not ride than wear them. My glasses do pretty good at keeping crap out of my eyes, obviously not as good as goggles, but they do ok. I'm just expecting it to be a whole new level. Around here, in the woods, we've never found anyone who could hang with us. I'm totally expecting it to be a different story tomorrow. I'll let you guys know how it turns out.....
Oh the I feel like ten people beat me with bats. I must have the most horrible luck in the world. We get the holeshot thru a field, take a turn onto the mx track and then hit the woods. Well, when I took the turn onto the mx track something came up and bent my shifter straight out. I couldn't shift out of second and had to stop, get off the bike, and kick it back into place. I got back on, actually caught up to a bunch of people pretty quick, passed about four or five, and then the worst thing that could happen did 1 1/2 laps in and I was beat. Major slowdown at that point. The people I passed never caught back up to me or anything, but I didn't catch anybody else after that either. I may start using the wife's treadmill or bike to get into shape for this stuff. It's about 100x worse than your hardest trail ride ever :eek: I'm going back in two weeks though to torture myself again.
A quad racer must train as if he is a major athlette. Workout 3 to 5 time's a week and you'll start gettin in perfect shape for racing. Leg's, lower back and abs are the key point to getting into shape if your gonna race.

Take your wife to bed every night for about 4 hour's, that should put you in real good shape, atleast it's helping me (but i'm not married).
1 1/2 laps in and I was beat.

About how many miles was the track? My first race was about a 2 months ago on a track that was around 4 miles long with lots of hills I lasted 2 laps. I know how you feel.
After the first lap my first ever time running on a track (1 mile) i was already worn out, but thanx to a bent steering heim.

I can make it 50 laps on anyday that it isnt over 90 degrees.
I'm not positive on the length of the track, but if I had to guestimate...I'd say 4-5 miles each lap. It was brutal I tell ya, brutal. No human being should put themselves thru this on purpose. I'm going again in two weeks ;D

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