
Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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    finding neutral easier and shorter shifting solution - prototype in works and testing

    worked out a solution to the issues most of us have finding neutral. newly designed shift star helps eliminate that issue and with the rounded edges helps with smoother faster shifting. 3 of these are currently being tested and initial results are great! smoother shifting points and easier to...
  2. T

    Hard do push in neutral?

    Hi guys I'm new here but have been using lots of great Information off of here for the last 2 years I've had my warrior. Just after this last ride my warrior became a lot harder to push when in neutral. This is in the engine forum not the suspension forum because with the chain off the axle...
  3. bluethunder86

    shifting is easy, slips when you gun it though

    im sure this has been brought up before in different threads but i need straight answers. its an 88 warrior 350 the oil has been changed and so has the filter. i start the atv and let it warm up, doesnt take long because its about 50 here. i can get on and shift into first and take off slowly...