How do you make air scoops?!?!?

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Hey Warriorspeed....on your side pic it looks like its resting on the A-arm...doesn't that affect your travel?...or is it just the way the pic is??
ya yo let me now how they come out try and make them how bad04warriors are they look sick let me know!!
Gas tank mounts, fender brackets, really anything that's convenient, and isn't responsible for moving parts. I'd try to avoid the a-arm pivots and shock bolts.
I was just reading and I was wondering what the air scoops do on the quad? do they just direct airflow over the engine or do they allow air somewhere? sorry im new with the custom mods thing..
i see that your new here so i thought i'd let ya know not to bring back post that are 3 months old.
He was just wanting to know if the air actually travel's to somewhere else on the quad with custom air scoops.

The answer is yes and no. It will allow air to flow around, over and under your engine/exhaust header. If your jumping your quad, it will also take a small effect on travel distance (for instance, 40mph and your jumping 20ft, with the air scoops at the same speed, your landing around 17-19ft).

Air Scoops was made for engine's with an oil cooler or radiator. But they can also help take about 15-50 degrees off your air cooled engine and header.

Yes, come on out and flame me about my post, but you try it and find out for yourself.
air scoops ont make a difference just a cool breeze by your legs

they dont do anything, best bet is to get a oil cooler
50 degrees ::)

Well, get off the internet and go try it. You'll find a big differance between scoops and no scoops. Get a heat tester and gauge it, you might be surprised.
Regardless of how big the scoops are you'll always get a much stronger cooling effect from an oil cooler. The oil is obviously much denser than the air and if that is transferred to hundreds of thin strips of aluminum you'll dissipate much more heat. The thick fins on the cylinder and cylinder head can only dissipate so much heat. Most of the time you won't be doing over 60mph anyway, when you are actually getting enough flow to cool the motor a significant amount. With a oil cooler (even a small permacool) you'll drop the motor temp by 40 degrees, even at low speeds such as 3rd gear trails. Save up the cash and get one of two oil cooling setups if you really have heat trouble. They also greatly prolong your oil changes, and keep your motor away from rebuilds as often.
the only reason i want air scoops is because im adding a fan in front of my engine and i want all the air directed towards the engine as possible.
Add a oil cooler and place the fan on the oil cooler itself, kind of like the newer bikes' radiator fans. You'll get much more heat taken out that way because of the surface area to be cooled.
well i would put an oil cooler on but i plan on getting a new 4-wheeler next summer so...dont wana work on it too much and then get rid of it.