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Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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  1. YFM2014

    Where have I been??

    This thread got offtopic real quick. But L. M. F. A. O. Welcome back man congrats on your business. Sounds awesome to me.
  2. YFM2014

    Looking for opinions on a good first truck

    If the light is on it means that there's a problem with the ABS and I believe it just automatically disables it until you fix the problem. So you can drive it forever as is and as long as you don't lock up the brakes you'll have no problems, just that unattractive light will stay on forever lol.
  3. YFM2014

    Advice on a Quad

    I'm going to give the guy a call tomorrow/Saturday and if he still has it I'm going to go check it out. Thanks for your reply. Surprised to see so many people from back when I was on forums still active. Anybody got any tips for what to look out for when checking out a used quad? I used to...
  4. YFM2014

    Need help. New

    ^ Alex pretty much summed it up. Welcome. It would not be worth it to get a Raptor 660 frame to swap parts from the 350. If you were going to do that much fabricating you would be better off mounting a street bike motor up to the 660 frame. :tup:
  5. YFM2014

    Advice on a Quad

    Hello old friends! I no longer have my warrior 350, had to sell it to get my car. However, I've been saving up and am shopping around for quads/bikes. Considering buying an 06 LTR450 with aftermarkets, heres a list: Full Yoshimura exhaust Cherry Bomb Blingstar: grill/starter cover/bumper...
  6. YFM2014

    Bed Liner Paint Job?

    I second this. Have used the stuff on my car. Going to repaint my rims with it soon.
  7. YFM2014

    Looking for opinions on a good first truck

    Take it to nearest auto parts place and have them hook up their code reader thing for free is what I would do. My car has the ABS light on and its because it needs new ABS sensors but they're pretty expensive. Doesn't hurt to drive without them as long as you realize that if you start sliding...
  8. YFM2014

    Warrior title question

    Just wondering if they were titling warriors in 98. Found what I think is. Decent deal on one but don't to buy a stolen bike or one with a lien on it. Thanks in advanced.
  9. YFM2014


    Guessing it got sold... posting deleted by author. :S Sorry man.
  10. YFM2014

    so I found a deal I couldnt pass up yesterday, for 230 dollars I got this

    I personally think it'd be awesome to have a custom quad with a bike motor in it, especially if I could say I did it myself ;). I'd do it! Sweet deal on the motor though. Mind me asking if it was a local deal or ebay or...?
  11. YFM2014

    Thanksgiving weekend Riding

    Nice video editing dude. Made me lol. (hopefully that was the intention haha.)
  12. YFM2014

    New show I might actually watch

    Looks like its gonna be almost as stupid as Jersey Shore... might have to check it out lol. :tup:
  13. YFM2014

    Who and their warrior would participate in the 2013 GNCC

    What exactly is the GNCC? I think I've heard of it but idk exactly... I live in Florida. Lol
  14. YFM2014

    Might be getting this Tuesday

    Yep that happens unfortunately. If you take too long to bite then they think about it and realise that they were on the wrong side of the deal lol. But if they change their minds back I'd do it in a heartbeat... I <3 Stangs.
  15. YFM2014

    This guy should not be allowed...

    I think the guy's laugh was funnier than what actually happened lol. And I think I saw this on ridiculousness
  16. YFM2014

    Playtime out in the Dunes (Feb)

    I bet ur buddy gets a lot of compliments on his purple blaster haha :). Thanks for sharing
  17. YFM2014

    100hp 100mph Warrior,

    Thats the first swapped warrior I've seen thats actually designed to still be used as a warrior (trails and such) props ;)
  18. YFM2014


    Fox's or classics? If the classic ones ur talking about than everyone does lol.
  19. YFM2014

    What color should I paint my frame?

    Sounds good to me. Dont want too much red... I'd paint the majority of it majority black
  20. YFM2014

    xbox tags

    Lol spongebob. Just let em play for a bit then teach em to share... "my turn" ;). And yeah I still need to pre-order mw3. But if I get this car I want I probably wont be getting anything anytime soon but it'll be worth it. Check my post and leme know what u think.