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Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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  1. DirtBikeDad

    Redneck with turbo warrior :B

    51 mins????? Dude, you really sat and watched that thing 60 times? :haha:
  2. DirtBikeDad

    **free warrior manual**

    I couldn't get anything but a black page to view when trying to open it on the web, but once it stopped loading I clicked to save it on my desktop. Once it downloaded the file I was able to open it fine from my own copy.
  3. DirtBikeDad

    new from marietta ga here

    Welcome SR5 and Hey WarriorGirl. I made my way through Marietta about 05:15 this morning and Ellijay an hour later on my way back from the airport heading home (Blairsville) Noticed neither one of you had breakfast or a cup of coffee waiting on me as I passed through.....what gives? :laughup:
  4. DirtBikeDad

    '87 Warrior Parts

    What size tires and where are you located? How much to ship to 30512?
  5. DirtBikeDad

    tell me all about tires

    I shopped the big boys (Razr, etc) and just can't justify the coin this close to Christmas. I priced out the CST Ambush mentioned in another thread here at Pure Offroad Stock Fronts are $60 a piece and Rears are $67 each for a total of $254...
  6. DirtBikeDad

    tell me all about tires

    I've got these in my shopping cart waiting for after the Christmas spending is over. Remove BKT AT111 22X7-10/6 AT-111 HD (Item #7-722HD)...
  7. DirtBikeDad

    tell me all about tires

    No free tires, they are priced individually, the picture just shows an example of a front and a rear. Stock front tires are 22 7x10
  8. DirtBikeDad

    The fuse!

    Under the left rear fender where the wires and relay are, you should see a rubber boot that slides onto a flat metal post. Pull it off the post and twist and pull the boot apart (joins in the middle). Your fuse is inside.
  9. DirtBikeDad

    New in ILL

    Welcome to the site and to the SE. Lots of great riding in the area, you have Brushy Mountain Motorsports Park and Brown Mountain ORV just a little over an hour away to the north and TNT Motorsports roughly the same distance to the south. I am getting ready to do the opposite and move from...
  10. DirtBikeDad

    XC race warrior partout (tons of aftermarket stuff)

    As a favor to the guy who owns the stuff but doesn't have an account would be a good guess. Speakin of which Deadlast...... when I bought the carb I also picked up the stainless oil filter so you should mark that one as gone too.
  11. DirtBikeDad

    I Just Might Have Messed up.HELP!!

    Do you have any way to post pictures of what you've got torn down? Could prolly get an answer real quick if we could see it.
  12. DirtBikeDad

    Best way to patch/plug a tire (sidewall)?

    Yup, that's the way to do it. My old '90 Kawasaki Bayou is still running the OEM tires and most of the remaining tread is actually the plugs that are sticking out. :haha:
  13. DirtBikeDad

    Quad Problems (Backfiring Still)

    Don't remember if it was discussed in the other thread, but have you made sure the tank is free of debris/gunk? Have you tried an inline fuel filter? Maybe a long shot, but with the same issue crossing 3 different carbs (at least one of which was a known worker), I'm thinking that the problem...
  14. DirtBikeDad

    Quad back fires and dies

    Take the float bowl off and turn the carb upside down. The measurement from the mating surface where the float bowl mounts to the body to the highest point on the float body should be 1/2 inch. Technically between 11.4 and 13.4mm or .45 to .53 in. The float arm should be resting on the float...
  15. DirtBikeDad

    Quad back fires and dies

    Sounds to me like your float needle is stuck or your float is out of adjustment (or both).
  16. DirtBikeDad

    Quad back fires and dies

    Was having very similar symptoms with mine and turned out that the accelerator pump was frozen up. (Find the shaft that runs from the float bowl up under the plastic cover where the throttle cable attaches. is supposed to move, mine didn't):haha:
  17. DirtBikeDad

    New from Georgia

    Latest update..... I just finished rebuilding the carb. After I got it torn down I found the accelerator pump completely frozen, idle jet was boogered from a poor attempt at removal, the float needle clip was missing so the needle was just bouncing around and to top it all off, there was a...
  18. DirtBikeDad

    Quad back fires and dies

    +1 Most bikes have a screen on the petcock which is notorious for clogging up with dirt and gas that has turned gummy.
  19. DirtBikeDad

    Quad back fires and dies

    Pretty much any cycle or auto parts store should have them (Cheap). Your looking for something like one of these 2 examples. (There are other styles, but this is pretty typical.