Why do you like the Warrior ?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2006
Reaction score
Upstate NY
The Warrior has been around since 87 till 04..then changed to the rappy 350..... As being known as one of the best machines produced !! Lets here the reasons that made you stick with this awsome machine !!!
old school design with a perfected motor thats why it hasnt changed and its reliable too that is probibly another reason they havent changed or upgraded it
I don't know why, I just like it. I feel more confident on it than any other sport quad i've rode because I know the front end isn't going to surprise me and pop up when I get on the throttle like my brother's honda does to me all the time. It's also very forgiving when you make a mistake, i've never rolled mine over or crashed it yet because it never gets too out of control that you can't save it. And it's great for bulldozing through the woods and making your own trail because it's a damn tank.

Plus, it's great to see the on his face when a guy on a 400 can't shake me off his tail, no matter what he tries. It's just more satisfying to know that you won because of your skill level, not because you have the most money and the fastest quad.
I like it because it is very reliable, I havent had a problem with mine for the 2 years I've had it. It is a great trail bike and its pretty fast. Also there are a shitload of mods available for them. These things are a tank, they never break, and its a good design so they haven't really changed them for all these years.
Yea, its just an good all-around machine. Fast enough for what most people do, and one of, if not the most, reliable quads made.
hey, i got a rappy 350, but its still reliable as hell, goes through anything i have put it through, and is damn near unstopable, except for that pussy front plastic bumper P.O.S
I love it. Rides awesome and goes through most anything. Handles well for what it is and has power for an old school design. Fun, reliable, and most of all comfortable!!!
meh.. i dont like it ;D
Ithink thats the best reply yet!!...Tank yes but i have snapped one frame last year and snapped two brackets on new frame this year ....and no i didnt hit anything but the ground hard...lol...i need suspension ..... BAD !!!!
[quote:vk0iscoy]meh.. i dont like it ;D
Ithink thats the best reply yet!!...Tank yes but i have snapped one frame last year and snapped two brackets on new frame this year ....and no i didnt hit anything but the ground hard...lol...i need suspension ..... BAD !!!![/quote:vk0iscoy]

i need a yfz.. badder.. lol.. next season im getting me a 450 ;)
Yea rfmracing it does sound like you need suspension real bad.
got me the experience i needed to upgrade :p
and it never broke on me, i swear, im having more problems within the 3 months i've had this z400 then i did with the 8 months i had the warrior. :(
thats what you get for ridin a 'zuki!!!
no, thats what you get when you buy a quad that had a high performance pipe and was sold saying it had a jet kit, but it didnt and has been like that for over a year, geez i hate when people do that!
this is the second carb problem im having, so im probably gonna buy a new carb or get a rebuild.

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