wheelies on raptor 350

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Active Member
Feb 5, 2007
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i dont know if i jsut suck at wheelies or is it harder on a raptor 350 to hold a long wheelie
I can hold a decent one in about second gear. Are you standing or sitting while holding the wheelie? And what gear do you use?
It's more difficult on the Rappy cause it's front heavy. Once you learn how to balance a bike, you can wheelie anything, but it really is a little harder than say a 400ex.
yeah all the hondas are really balanced compared to other bikes. its a lot easier to ride a wheelie on my 300ex than it is on my warrior but the 300's motor is set back farther than the warrior's
Yea it is harder on a warrior or rappy 350 than some other bikes. Just practice and eventually you'll get the hang of it. i noticed that the balance point of my warrior is much further back thatn on my brothers 300ex.
If you like to do wheelies, get a 660, you can do a wheelie in 4th gear ;D
Yep. Funny as it is I can't do wheelies on the grab bar. I'm always afraid I'm going to fall off...lol.
I meant you physically standing on the grab bar with your foot...
It takes some practice, but I can pull mine up in 3rd without the clutch and ride it out. I have pulled it up in 4th but it takes some serious body english.
I know what you meant. I don't stand on the grab bar cause I'm afraid of falling off..lol. Third gear, wide open and a nice tug will pull it up. Fourth gear only if I have the right circumstances. Like that nice little bump in the trail or something I can tug when I hit it. Flat ground, no way in fourth. Flat ground, third gear, no clutch just tug comes up.
For the warrior and rap350 you really have to get the front end up high to balance. Don't chicken out and let the throttle go though, grab bars are cheap anyway!!! If the bike starts to tip backwards you can always tap the rear brake and make it come down before the bar hits anyway. There isn't very much room to the bar once you do get it balanced, expect to hit it at some point or another!!! ;D ;D :eek:
Don't know for sure but I don't want to find out. I can do them just fine sitting, so I'll stick to that. I'm always afraid my foot will slip off or something....
My yellow z wil come up in 5 with ALOT of body pulling, but it will come up. My grey one is damn near impossible to bring up in second, That elka shock sure does what its meant to.
well after today i think i got the hang of it now....i can get it up and keep it up really easy in first....now second is a bit harder but ill work on it......and how hard is it to shift while in the wheelie....and yes i hit the grab bar twice today then fell off of it ; :p
Your bike has plenty of power to come up in second. From a dead stop put the bike in second gear and try doing a wheelie from there. You'll flip it over if you're not careful...lol. Shifting is something you just have to learn how to do. I don't think it can be taught, you just have to get a feel for it on your own. You'll 12 it a bunch of times, buy you'll get a feel for it eventually.