What do ya'll know about police scanning?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2009
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I know a little, my uncle had a scanner back in the day when it was analog, was fun to listen the police take calls, pull people over and whatnot, was a pain to program, he would always come to me everytime it lost power or got unplugged to reprogram the thing.

I have some a website I can listen online and have a app for my phone to listen, but what sucks my town isn't listed anywhere guess nobody has a scanner to stream online. I know my city has a new radio system think its digital, when you key up it beeps twice fast before you can talk. If I was to buy a scanner to listen what kind of scanner would I need and how would it be programmed to pick it up? I know there are frequencies that you have to know, but is there a place that would have them or will the new scanners scan and lock in when it finds one. I can listen to my OHP, and country sheriff's but those aren't really busy, I can find one for my big city and listen to them, but want to listen to my town I live in to see what goes on.
i use a computer and a "good" pci/usb tuner card then you can stream it out to your cell phone if you want.
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What kind of scanner would I need? I looked at one site and they were like 200 bucks and that was analog scanners, think there was digital but it was like 400 bucks!!!