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Feb 16, 2012
Reaction score
South Coast Mass.
HELP PLEASE!! Newbie here. picked up an 87. told it had new piston, cam blah blah.... Guy has no idea. I cannot get it to start. New battery. New high torque starter. New plug. Yes spark. Yes gas. Did a comp test. 185 pounds cold. I figure about 12:1 comp. How do you guys start these high comp motors? while turning over it sounds slow. I may get what sounds like to revoluitions then a clunk and pop out the carb. no start even or ether. I may take some meat off the top of the piston this weekend.
slow on the turnover? Bad battery? Does the thing run if you bump start it?

Solenoid on the outs?

If it has a 12:1 piston, your running 93 octane gas in it right?
Sounds slow. Had a new starter. Did not start. Bought a new High torque. is faster but still sounds slow. it has a new battery. solenoid test out ok. runs great when bumped. I have no idea whats in it for mods. I know it has new piston, cam, exhaust from tip to butt, clutch work. but nobody can say what is in it for sure. comp test was 185 and all valves are sealed tight.
I still say weak battery or bad siloniod.

Try starting it with it hooked up to a battery charger.
Clean all connections......mine was turning over slow and I cleaned up the neg/ground and it spun right over.....
Can't is free...and if it is not the may point you to something that is.....

There is no diff with a jump from a car, jump box or batt charger. Isn't stock compression around 125 - 135?

your hooking it to the battery?

Try hooking it to the starter directly and see what happens. If it starts then, then you got issues gettin juice to your starter.
Tried starting. Did not start. Pulled starter out and tried again while still connected ti bike. Then tried on bench. Bike and bench sounded the same.
Check the valve lash.

If they are excessively loose, it changes the amount of lift and duration and will screw with the cranking pressure/speed.

Been there, done that.

If it is cranking, the solenoid is fine.
Tore apart top end. timing chain was streched about 3/4" longer than new one. changed. Took a bit off the top of the piston. i did not need the extra power. I am strickly deep woods riding. Pump gas is more a need than power. redid the valves. starter clutch had several broken dog bones. New one on the way. Even with a few bones missing bike will now start on its own.
Thanks for all the help!!