September QOTM Voting

Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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Sorry that was so long, I actually could have kept typing. But I will hold it in until next time.
It is all a matter of personal opinion. I'm not going to throw off on anybody's ride, and I couldn't care less what someone thinks of mine.
What ever you do to your quad is what you like...doesnt matter what other people say and think about it. Also Pelphrey is get bashed b/c of what you say. Just cause you dont with QOTM doesnt mean you gotta get all close to winning.....but if i dont, i dont care. i think warriorfreak911's warrior is awsome looking and i will not bash him for winning. I will just try next time is anything.
im not trying to bash anyone, but kingraptor350, started runnin his mouth, so go lecture him. And for the record I didnt paint the front rims, i got them like that. And all i have heared is bad things about my quad, so if someone doesnt have anything nice to say, dont say anything at all. My first post never was talking about anyone els's quad, i just was mad cuz i tried hard to make my quad nice, and only one person voted for me.
woah woah there buddy i dont think so... dont even try to get me more involved in this....

now ya i did say you have no chance in hell i was just kiding cuz you started whining on this sux this is stupid i quit.... so dont be blaming me for n/e thing im not the one that said your quad is ulgy or nuthing i didnt even say n/e thing about your quad in the first place
well how am i supposed to know ur joking? Thats why people say "jk" (just kidding)
if you know your quad isnt worthy of QOTM, why ******* enter? Seriously, do you guys know what a QOTM contest is? And if you dont like my rules, complain to Death, maybe he'll give me the boot. Im trying to help the site
I think that your doing an awesome job! I don't want to hear any bitching unless its valid or there is punch and pie involved :cool:...
warriorfreak all the way but u guys gotta chill. quit bashing eachother and just ride the ******* thing
Wow what a heated battle over nothing. Just end the blabing and lets get this thread back to what its supposed to be. Thanks to all who voted for me.
Why do i feel that people are making accounts just to vote for themself?
do ya u really think people do that ??? thats just ****** low if people do that cause that would just take the fun out of the whole thing
[quote:7wi6jtuv]Why do i feel that people are making accounts just to vote for themself?
do ya u really think people do that ??? thats just ****** low if people do that cause that would just take the fun out of the whole thing[/quote:7wi6jtuv]

Well maybe, you never know...I mean i dont really care and it doesnt matter about the voting for my quad im selling it anyways.
is voting over....if not how do you vote?? nevermind i see