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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2011
Reaction score
Orlando, FL
Hello, my name is Tyler and I JUST bought an 01 350 Warrior yesterday for 800 bucks (Good price? I think so). Anyways, It needed a new battery when I bought it so when I had the seat off I noticed that even when the air filter is in properly there is still a 1/4 - 1/2 inch gap inbetween the air filter and the intake (think thats what its called) and I was just wondering, is it okay to ride it like this? Because apparently its been ridden like this for the past 10 years of its life.... I'm planning on trying to get a new air filter for it later but just dropped $800 + $50 on the battery and dont have any more money to blow right now. Thanks
First off welcome to the site. And NO it should not be ridden like that. Them piston rings wont last long at all if its been rode like that for even an hour or so. I suggest dont ride it until you can get the proper filter to seal up. Oh and 800 is a very fair price for these quads
Thanks for the quick reply. And well then wheres a good place to buy a filter that'll fit tight for a good price... ?
Any atv part store if you have one around, or you order one online alot of guys use bike bandit.
Well what if its been ridden like this for quite some time now... anything I can do? I just bought it yesterday so I'm sure its been ridden like this before. And what if I just rigged it, until I can afford an aftermarket air filter, by putting a bead of superglue around the rim of the airfilter so it would be sealed until the next time it needs to be cleaned when I should be able to afford a new air filter... ?
Depends on how long it was ridin like that if it was. Deadlast has the perfect kit you need in the for sale section. Its the proflow kit with the adapter so you wont ever have that prob again.
Hmm I'll check it out. Thanks. ;)
And I read somewhere that if the piston rings are going bad It'll cause the quad to smoke a lot... ? The quad hasn't smoked yet, even during when the owner started it after he said it had been sitting for 6 months and after I let it set for about 24 hours. Is this an accurate way to tell if it caused any damage to the piston rings... ? Not to be an ahole, but if theres a way to tell its gonna mess up I'll probly trade it in or something....

Thanks much for the help so far guys ! : ).
No if it sets and then smokes on start up the valve seals are bad, if the rings are gone you loose power, and it smoke a little all the time.
it could be just the way you put it back on after taking the lid off, these filters are a pain in the ass
I tried it multiple times. Couldnt get it to work right... Maybe I'll try it again idk. And I could see where dirt/dust had been sucked up into it so it'd been ran with the gap in it before. I might try to get DL's old filter/box off him...
you have to set the lid on the filter set back a bit then slide it forward to get it to seal best.

Yeah thats what I did and theres still a bit of a gap. Either way its about time for a new filter anyways so might as well go with an aftermarket that I wont have to worry about weather or not it fully seals.

Thanks for the replies everybody. Think I've gotten all the help I need with this

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