no one has noticed these heel gaurds

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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2012
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troutman,north carolina
NICE you fab them yourself fayt they kinda blended in being black haha
yea man! they did blend in thou...............NICE:iagree:
U MIGGIN OR TIGGIN ON that ****?-----------sorry bout caps
i blow thru miggin----but there rusty, hard to find good stuff
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yea from what i see im gonna lose my heel guards and keep my pegs, dunno. drinkin beer now, look again in morning
Those are cool man..
I want heel guards, but can't run them cause they would be in the way of my kicker.

Atleast double up your pegs to make em wider and see about adding a heel support so when you stand up your heel doesn't drop too far. Doesn't have to curve up, can be made flat.
Atleast double up your pegs to make em wider and see about adding a heel support so when you stand up your heel doesn't drop too far. Doesn't have to curve up, can be made flat.

Yah I like the double pegs, but my kicker goes down past the peg. So even a flat heel support wouldn't work. :tdown: