need help all 10:5:1 compression motors

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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2010
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where can i get a compression release vavle cover like the 88 and 90s have?
what do you do if you cant get started first 5 cranks my starter just whimps out and i have a full charged battery.
don't have the 10.5 to 1 but it sounds to me like you might want to have your battery tested. It may be fully charged but it sounds like it's not holding a charge well
Bad starter? Bad battery? Its is being ground out properly?

Ge ta volt meter on it before you try and start it and after. See if there is a dramatic decrease in numbers.

The decomp lever isn't gunna help you. Its for a pull start setup anyways, it decomps the engine on the exhaust site so you can pull the engine over to fire on its second spin.
my battery tested great and barely dropped any after one minute. and but a decomp lever would work cause it just needs to get over that little compression spin
my battery tested great and barely dropped any after one minute. and but a decomp lever would work cause it just needs to get over that little compression spin

You plan to manually decomp it once it resets itself trying to start off the electrical system?

That would be a pain in they ass and hard to manage. Plenty of guys on here run a 10.25:1 piston and theirs start just fine. Hell, mine is 11:1. It starts. Compression isn't your issue. Ur starter is bad or something of that nature.
I can agree with the post above i have a high comp piston and i tap the button and it fires first hit every time., Maybe the starter is shot like suggested, does it quit spinning or what? another suggestion is maybe your starter clutch is weak.
yep either your starter is weak, battery is weak or possibly starter clutch is going bad. My motor has less than 1 hr run time on a je 10.5 piston and it starts right up..