I kinda enjoy this welding thing

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Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2007
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The warehouse that my shop is located in, was looking for a new facilities manager, so I applied. SURE, I know how to weld and run a forklift. Hahahah. Well, I've learned how to do both, very quickly. I have shittily MIG welded in the past if my brother isn't around, but never arc welded and have never even sat on a forklift. Anyways, I got the job and now, part-time, take care of a daily ageing 9 acre warehouse complex. Lots to fix and upgrade daily. Have to plow and salt and fix and paint and patch and repair and contract and scrap, lots and lots of scrap, ect. It's a fun, work-at-my-own-pace well paying part time gig. Plus, I get to build stuff too when I want.

Made a rack for the tanks and generator/welded for my work truck. First time oxy cutting and arc welding (at fist I made it full length of the bed, then decided to shorten it down and just deal with hopping into the bed to deal with the Hobart)

OH, and I made this for my Pit bike, I call it the Pit rack.

So, I came up with a carrier for my pitbike, that also should work for pretty much all pit bikes. Works for our XR80 as well. Since I'm now rocking the Volvy AWD wagon (GUS, if your a Breaking Bad fan) and my quad is perpetually getting "fixed", not need to tow a trailer for just my pitbike. Just throw it up on the rack, two straps and your good to go! Not completely finished yet, I need to finish grind it, drill a pin hole and add some strap loops, but it's almost there. (one of my first time arc welding too, not to shabby if I say so myself)

This is what it should look like on the car, except it will sit up just a tad higher;

So that's where you've been. Hell I thought you died or got married. Oh well same diff. lol
Marriage isn't to bad I get laid at least twice a year for free birthday and Christmas otherwise it costs me a day at the mall or a attempt at romance which is horrible
HAH, I DID get married!

This job and my print shop have been keeping me busy, really busy. Plus, my warrior is just sitting waiting for a sandblast and PC......need money to finish.

trust me alex, they are beginner looking welds. Lots of splatter and bumps, but hell, it'll hold.
Just be sure to chip off all the slag from a previous weld, when continuing a weld using stick.
Dean make sure you have some decent penetration on those welds, ya don't want them breaking while cruising down the highway. What type rods you using?
The only thing I can stress is safety, safety, safety when welding or torching. 9 out of 10 times I am dressed appropriately to do either. But seeing that my shop is 50 feet from my back door, sometimes I head out there in sweats or shorts and only plan to clean or do something fairly simple and it always ends up in some sort of fabbing. I,ve gotten rather lazy over the years and set my projects on the work bench and all I can say is welding on a table while sitting in a chair never ends good. I've got plenty of clothes with burn holes, a nice collection of burn scars and a left nut that just won't grow hair. What's sad is every time this happens it is always preceded with a little voice in my head that says "go change clothes", then the other little voice chimes in with "it will be ok." Yep, the second little voice is a dumb ass.
oh, NEVER wear synthetic clothes while welding or torching. ask how i know LOL
LOL @ Alex. Oh I got a pretty good idea how you know! Glad to know I'm not the only one with lapses of judgement. It's a lot like riding a street bike down the highway at a high rate of speed at night in June without wearing a helmet. Some of those bugs can damn near give a guy a concussion.
I had to buy all new safety gear when I got the job. Gloves, jacket, helmet. The old man before me had used all of his personal stuff, so it all when with him, but yeah, safety is key, especially if I goof up and have to take a piss test. I'm not a stoner like I used to be, but it still finds its way around from time to time. Not that I would ever be inebriated on the job, but still, don't need the hassles.
^ That's the problem with taking piss tests. A guy can work all day completely clean and not under any influence, go home and eat dinner and wind down with a little smoke. Go back to work the next day sober as a judge, have an accident and be screwed. If it wasn't for fear of an accident or surprise test, I'd still be smoking it from time to time. Btw, good luck with the new job. It sounds like a great deal working at the same place your shop is located. Wear your helmet for any welding, even spot welding cause flash burn really sucks. I am sure you can figure out how I know, that damn stupid other little voice in my head gets me every time.