Hit a deer...

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Well-Known Member
May 1, 2010
Reaction score
So Friday night while delivering pizzas at my work I smacked a deer at about 45 MPH with my little civic.
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Well It looks still drivable at least, shouldn't be too much at the wrecking yard to get it fixed. Can you keep the deer were you live? In Oregon you don't get to keep them but when I lived in Wis. you could call the sherif and they would give you a tag and you got to keep the animal
haha i knew that was coming! and nope i didnt keep the deer

i hit it going like 45-50 mph, hit the front bounced and put a dent in my roof and rolled off my car and i just kep tdriving haha.

went back to see if it was still there but nothing.
thats not to bad considering that year of car has alot of plastic. ive seen deer total small cars out around here. dont suppose you have full coverage insurance do ya?
shoulda ripped the parking brake, spun a 180, dumped er in 2nd and ran it down. was it a doe??.. doe usually run out first. bucks are smart. they hang back and wait.. unless its rut. i used to aim for em in my old trucks when theyd run out.
I do have full coverage, 100 bucks for my deductable and everything will be fixed up, and i have no idea if it was a doe or a buck it happened so fast and i couldnt find the deer when i went back haha.