Compressing caliper piston?

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Active Member
Aug 20, 2005
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How are ya'll completing this task? I took off the front pads and now I can't get the piston to compress to fit the new ones on. I have the fluid reservoir top off and still it will not budge.
Be sure the piston is PERFECTLY straight into the bore. Give the lever a small squeeze to make it straighten up if you think it's crooked. Should only require medium effort with the C-clamp, don't force it.

It could have a rust/scum ring built up inside too. If the fluid is coffee colored, it may be worth your time to pop the pistons out and inspect/clean/de-rust. The coffee color is a result of water in the fluid. Very few people change and flush the fluid in their routine maintenance.
My buddy and I either use our fingers or a small c clamp. It doesn't take much to move them.
thanks for the help. i'm going to try it again when i get back from work
Got it with the C clamp. Wouldn't work with the old brake pad on there but with the C inside the middle of the piston they went back. Thanks fellas.