Bad news about my Tbird

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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2009
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Hazel Green Wi
[FONT=Verdana, Arial]Well because of someone being stupid and in the rain on top of it. The car has been wrecked, but not totaled thankfully. Im already in the works of tracking down parts, I may have a hood and complete header panel, with lights tracked down. Its just gonna come down to price that he wants for the parts.
On a good note though I was able to drive it home, so its in a safe place. Heres some pics for ya.



But she will be getting rebiult, I just cant let her die....
As far as I can tell, no. But my insurance is paying for theres, I only had liability on it and the cops decided I was at fault. I think that it was decided that because I was from out of state. Screwed by default I guess.
A Prius decided to come to a stop on a 4 lane road instead of just avoiding a piece of metal in the road. The Buick in front of me started to slow and then slammed on its brakes. I was slowing and when i saw it slam on its brakes I did to. It was pouring so I ended up sliding right into the back of the buick. This was down in Iowa, so Im guessing thats why it sounds like they put all the blame on me.
9 times out a 10 when you rear end someone you will get the blame. The only time i have seen it otherwise is one time a guy pulled right out in front of my buddy. And i think he even had to get a lawyer about it....

edit: Really sucks tho, sorry bout the luck
Ya thats how it usually works. Im gonna be pissed though if the guy that is the entire cause of the thing got off scott free. You should never stop on a busy 4 lane in a traffic lane, thats just common sense. Especially in the rain when braking distances are increased. I can garentee you this though, after the cars put back together its getting full coverage. If I had had it on at the time my car would probably be at a repair shop already.
Sorry to be an ass but you shouldn't have been following to close for the conditions that you wouldn't be able to stop in such an instance. Totally your fault for following to close/to much speed. Sucks about the thunder chicken though: at least you could drive her home.
Heres the thing I wasnt following to close I was at a safe following distance, which you may be reading into much here. I was going slower than the other cars were, hell we werent even up to speed from the stop light. I was even slowing down at the same speed as them, but how was I supposed to predict a complete stop on a busy hwy. Im not trying to be a dick here, but unless it was you in the accident you cant get where Im coming from here. Because you did see what I seen and its hard to translate it into words on a forum. This is the exact reason I debated against put this up.
I understand no one can predict a car all of a sudden slamming on brakes from a gradual slow down had it happen to me only I was the one in middle getting rear ended luckily there was no damage to my car due to hitch hitting the ladies license plate behind me and just denting her plate we just pulled into a parking lot and I checked her car out and we decided to not report it because of no visible damage but damn the whip lash all we heard was the sqeel of the tires and then the hit luckily we had time to brace for it lol
My uncle got rear ended last year and they had to replace the whole chassis on his truck.
I was even slowing down at the same speed as them, but how was I supposed to predict a complete stop on a busy hwy.

They apparently slowed faster than you. Your not supposed to be able to predict some idiot stopping, but you are supposed to give yourself ample room to stop if they do so (a general rule of thumb is at least 1 car length for every 10 mph on a dry road in your average passenger vehicle; sometimes doubled or more depending on road conditions). I know most people don't adhere to this doctrine and I am as guilty as anyone else of doing such. I know it's a pisser, but telling yourself it wasn't your fault isn't going to change anything or help you out any. Stuff like this sucks balls, but you have to own up to your mistakes so you can learn from them and prevent the same from happening in the future. Just gotta chock it up too experience and shitty luck, and let it make you a better driver.

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