96 warrior hard to start when hot

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Jun 12, 2008
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I have a 96 warrior with a strange starting issue.

It will start right up when cold or even when warm, but not when it's hot--at least this is the only pattern I have been able to find.

For example...if I ride around my house or in the hills, it will restart without any problems all day.

However, when I am riding it on the dunes, it will start initially, but then it won't start again after i have been riding. Most of the time it needs to be pull/pop started(and then it fires right up).

The only difference I can think of is that I have to ride WAY harder on the dunes than I do around my house and that is making the engine much hotter.

So my question is--What would cause it to not want to restart when HOT? The stator? PU coil? Carb issue?

I know it sounds silly, but make sure your gas tank lid is venting properly. Have you tried running the guts out of it in the hills and see if it does it there. Or try running it in the higher rpms around the house to heat it up instead of lugging it in higher gear to make sure it is a heat issue causing trouble.
2 things come to mind that could be attributed to this. If it's too rich on the idle circuit, it won't start well or at all when hot. I've also seen similar problems because of valve lash being out of spec, so as the engine gets hot the tolernaces change so much that it can't start properly.
THank you for your reply.

I had the valve lash set at the dealer as that was my first guess--didn't help.

I will try the adjusting the idle circuit..is that the one in the front of the carb? Which way is which--right = lean and left = rich?

I was thinking it may be the stator because i know electronics are susceptible to damage from heat. My mechanic buddy has a saying about electrical components: "The two biggest enemies of eletrical components are heat and the people who work on them".
I wouldn't look towards the electrical side, mostly because if it was electrical due the heat, the quad would start running more rough or even shut off as it got hot, and even bump starting wouldn't get it going if the stator wasn't putting out spark.

The fuel screw (idle circuit) is towards the front of the carb underneath it. You are correct, turning it in/clockwise will lean it out. Stock position is about 2 turns out from full in.
Cold and hot start issues usually point to a bad starter. The starter motor will run OK when cold but not when it gets hot.

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