Well, ad me to the ******* list!!!

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Quite the Xray... gotta love looking at those.... it's pretty amazing what they can see....

So did they have to reset your collar bone or what? I can't imagine it healing properly being doubled up like that..... and can they do much in regards to a cast to prevent it from slipping out of alignment?

That shard looks a bit problematic too... were they able to "shift" it's position at all?
They claim it will heal up just fine the way it is; 90%+ chance anyway.

The shaard could shift and pinch a nerve or artery, but they don't think so.

I saw two orthopaedics and they both said the same thing.

If it turns out that it's not healing well, then they'll consider surgery. They claim chances of it healing well actually decrease if they go in and mess with it... ???
you got a lump on your collar bone right now? yes? better get used to it. my brother broke his last winter on his 2004 wolverine. he still has a lump that is about an inch high on his collar bone.

well, i hope you have an easy and quick recovery.

oh yeah, what were you riding? the warrior? did ya hurt it?? lol.
yes he was riding the warrior and he said all that happened to him was the front end bottomed out and he fell off and it rolled into a field

yes the warrior and no he didnt hurt it (cause it is a yamaha((bulletproof)))
Just let by cajones get a little too big for my britches!!




And AFTER That

Heh Had to throw something together for ya... Get better soon man.
lmao thought this would help you for next time


(Clavicle Fracture)


Definition: A break of the clavicle bone located between the shoulder and the chest.

Details: The clavicle (collar bone) is one of the most commonly fractured bones. It acts like a strut between the breast bone in the center of the chest and the shoulder bones. It is very close to the skin and can be injured in a variety of ways.

Causes: The most common ways to break the clavicle (collar bone) are via a fall or from a direct blow to the bone. Almost any sport can be associated with clavicle (collar bone) fractures. Football, rugby and hockey are the most common.

Diagnosis: A clavicle (collar bone) fracture is diagnosed with a history of a fall associated with pain and deformity around the shoulder. Typically, there is some swelling and tenderness associated with the fracture. X-rays are used to confirm the fracture. Rarely, further investigation by an CT scan may be needed.

X-rays of Normal and Fractured Collar Bones (Clavicle)
Treatment Nonoperative: Most clavicle fractures can be treated with a sling or a figure 8 splint. The typical time to healing is 8-10 weeks. Restriction of activity during that time period is important for healing.

Operative: Occasionally, surgery is needed. The indications for surgery include fractures where the bone pokes through the skin, severely displaced fractures and some fractures of the outer part of the collar bone. The surgery usually involves some form of a pin or a plate and screws.

Prevention: Maintaining excellent strength, stability, and flexibility of the shoulder and upper back muscles may help prevent some fractures.

i broke mine 7 weeks ago tomorrow. the doc said that most breaks are near the center of the collar bone. mine was more towards the end. towards the end by my neck. i just saw him recently and he said that i could go without my figure-8 brace. i tried to sleep without it one night and it hurt like hell the next day. i'm used to wearing it so i still keep it on 24/7. first my doc said that in about 4 weeks it should be healed, but since i have other health issues and the severity of the break, i shouldnt ride for atleast 12 weeks. it's only a little sore now. it's a little tight in the morning but loosens up and doesnt feel all that bad. i hope that yours heals up quicker than mine.
Why do you have pictures of some random bleeding guy? Kinda creepy...
Bro that sucks !!!! heal soon, i was gonna say if u had a cast or something CUT IT OFF !! i had to cut my cast off when i went ridin on spring break because i was riding step cliffs and flipped the bike down the cliff and landed on me and push me and the bike down in a marsh, so i went back to camp got the dremel and cut that bitch off !!!!!!!! so get well soon so u could get back out there and tear it up
It's killing me not to be able to get on it!!

If I so much as look at it with that twinkle in my eye, I get a lecture from Warriorspeed..... :-/

But I gotta tell ya, 12 hrs sleep in three days just ain't cuttin' it!!
yeah and if you ever want to be able to ride, you will stay off of it for a few more weeks so you dont screw it up even more
Warr:: If You Ever want to ride it again let him get on it, then it will be yours for quite some time. ;)

lol, jp, how's the healing comming along?

Still can't get comfortable enough to sleep at night.

Other than that, about as well as can be expected... :-/
ouch, I've had some very bad breaks, both bones in my forearm (2 plates 13 pins holding it together) my nose in 2 places, right foot 2x, left foot, right hand 2x, left hand, countless fingers and toes from football and soccer. I think that's about it, some small cracked ribs, but nothing major there (all broken at different times). I know it will take some time, but still good luck man, hope it goes as smoothly as possible.