North Korea opinions..

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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2013
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St.Louis misssouri
Do you think were gona be nuked?Should I start prepping!? Is WW3 taking place? Why do they want to nuke us?:/

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We are still officially at war with North Korea... The Korean War never officially ended and we just had a seize fire. I don't think that idiot is going to nuke anybody and if he does we have enough nukes to destroy North Korea 200x over lol. Their little kid leader is outta control IMO. Of course I'm 15 so if my opinion counts or not is for you to decide.
I'm a young buck too and I really don't know sh*t about politics or what's goin on in the, I jus don't know if I should be concerned or not..

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I wouldn't worry If nobody else in the world is taking him seriously...
Well anyways back to class for me lunch is over lol
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Would concern really change anything?
If its going to happen it will.
The best advice I can give you for life is: Hope for the best Plan for the worst!
The worst part of the whole situation is the civilians. They have been brain washed to think all other countries are evil people. If the outside world was ever let in the people would uprise and take care of the problem themselves.
i heard talk of Russia aligning them selfs with NK ... but i dont know if anything will come of it
If one country pushes that big red button were all fucked. I dont think he will actually do it though. I think he is just trying to show the world that he is capable of it. Its a show of power. To him and the NK supporters he has big shoes to fill from his father. I think they know that even with russia as an ally we could take them right of the map.
I spent 7 years in the Army you should take all threats serious! We should just go and take him out like Bin laden and just kill the **** before **** gets out of hand!
I say that we are the only country in history to ever use a nuke. Why is it that we think we can tell everyone that they cant have one. I know im not being politically correct but that is why everyone else in the world hates us. We are like the bully on the block. Why cant we be like other countries that have no enemies and stay within our own borders when it comes to resources. It would be like china coming here and taking out obama and telling us communism is a better way. Wouldnt you fight back? Yea i know ther are people suffering over there from tyrant rulers but arent our people suffering as well? Maybe we should mind our own buisness and if the need arises we can and will defend ourselves. All the global dominators such as USA have fallen in the past. One day we will get a taste of our own medicine. I mean heck we kill 50 million babies a year. Anyways im done lol.
I'm in the Army and we are more worried about where we are gonna get money for cleaning supplies, office supplies and bullets for training (Thanks Obama) then we are of North Korea.
IF he does anything he'll hit our air bases in guam or japan first. then after that he'll get his ass handed to him before he can hit the mainland
hole **** WG is live ... yeah they some test fights around guam a couple weeks ago

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