Help Building Jumps

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Apr 23, 2007
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I have a small field that I want to make a few jumps in. Maybe a couple small doubles. Whats the best way to make them if you dont have access to equipment. Also whats the best way to shape them.
run over the spot with the quads... in the gaps especially and parts for the jump to be set up, do a few burnouts and get the dirt up.

sands extremely easy to place the mounds.... for harder dirt a few metal shovels and a heavy duty metal rake. be prepared to get worn out haha.

once the dirt is loose pack it down with a flat piece of plywood- jump on it repetively. do this continually until the mound becomes hard and packed. do this over and over until the desired height is reached.

start with about a 35-40 degree angle and work it up as you get better and want to go higher.

the jumping and packing has always worked for us.

also- do/pack the backside of each mound as well.

everything helps make the jump sturdier
Ok so once I get a good size pile of dirt dumped there, what should be the first thing I do?
hey man ill get some pics of my 30 ft tabletop..hopefully it will help you by looking at the design..mine is ****** steep though..we also have two small doubles.
Ok this field isnt very big though, im talking only like 40 yards long, but its all i have to work with.
yeah where we have are jumps it isnt even that big..theres enough room for me to get to 3rd or 4th grear depending on how wet it is. and then after you land you go for like 20-25 feet and theres a little berm and then you go and hit the little double..there right next to each other. Are jumps are from the state township..they cleaned out the ditches and my friends dad let them dump the dirt in the woods and we just went in there with shovels and worked are asses taking my skir steer up there this summer and the table top is gunna turn in to a double and the dirt that i take out is gunna be another double
lol. yeah. there pretty good workers. My dad and Me stack stone and there are a bunch of illegal mexicans up here that work for all the stone guys. and we had some workin for us but they got sent back to there
I hate illegals. I have no problem with mexicans (or any race) as long as they are legally in this country and pay taxes like everyone else. If there not legal they should all be deported.
I always like to soak the jumps with water from a hose, bucket, or rain after i pack it, this helps make it really hard.
I made a pretty good one today. So far im only jumping about 12 feet long though.
Go to a hardware store or home depot and pick up some cement. You can make "soilcrete". Mix the cement with the dirt your using to built your jump and build you jump as if it were any other dirt. Hose it down when your done, let it dry, and put some more soilcrete on and hose it down again. Dont use it without mixing it with the surrounding dirt or it wont work, and dont use concrete mix ( you dont want aggregate ). If you built the jump already, when it comes time to repair it or built it bigger use soilcrete.
The first jump i made was short and stubby and i didnt know what the hell i was doing. So i hit it scootin at a pretty good pace and the back tires damn near came over my head. lol. Funny the stuff you learn from expierience.