10 years ago...what were you doing?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2011
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i was in class and the teacher got a phone call to turn the news on. thats all we did all day long was watch the news as everything unfoled.

what were you guys and gals doing?
Was in Far Rockaway Long Island working.....about 20 miles from the site....
we heard the news....then when the second plane hit....we stopped working and went outside....you could see the smoke.....
The whole town stopped.....we left our job site and watched updates from the local bar.....very eerie. We left Queens when tower one fell....watched tower two fall at a friends half way out on the island.
Nobody worked or did anything for days.....

I was at work and one of my customers told me what had happened, I got off work at 2pm and spent the rest of the day watching the news
I was at work. We turned on the TV and watched most of the day. Didn't get much work done, but it just didn't seem to matter.
I was at home spending time with the girl friend(now my wife). When we finally turned on the TV was just before the first tower fell, didnt move from infront of it all day.

on a side note, I notice most of you guys are alot younger than me. I turned 21 a few months before 9-11-01
lol I'll be 36 in January

So then you are like me then when reading thier posts. They were in grade school or lower, and we were out in the real world.

God Im starting to feel old. May be we should have an old guys section on here, no youngun's allowed!!! LOL

Ive actually caught myself saying " Back when I was your age", guess it comes with being a parent. LOL
I'll be 31 he 23rd of this month, I was working on a Criminal Justice facility in Weyers Cave Va.Putting in the A/C systems when the attacks happened, our crew took a break @ about 9:00 every morning & headed to the local store for drinks & snacks. We all heard about it on the radio & it just seemed impossible that something of this magnitude could strike America. I wasn't in New York, but I'm thankful for those that were courageous enough to give their lives for their fellow man, I hope somehow they are richly rewarded for their sacrifice!
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Makes me wish I was 14 again...of course I didn't have parents that bought me anything really lol so it wouldn't of made a difference.
Makes me wish I was 14 again...of course I didn't have parents that bought me anything really lol so it wouldn't of made a difference.
:haha: Man! I get that all the time now! I PAID FOR IT! I am going to get rid of the 350 soon, already sold the 80. And am going to apply for a job within the next couple weeks! Why does that automaticly mean that someone else paid for it....

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