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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2005
Reaction score
middle of ****** no where
Well I noticed alot of us are from in the eastern northern part of the United states maybe sometime we should have a group ride at Tughill or someshit or if anyone else has any ideas we could have a camp out an a wildass party some **** like that.
im in western mass, dont know about my bike situation though ???

albanys not to far, me and postwhore live kind of near each other
Where else to have a rally than the motor city??? HINT HINT!!! ;D ;D ;D
Im up for one next year, i should have my licence. Me and the old F-150 will be happy to show up hauling the warrior. So count me in, i think im pretty close to tug-hill for some reason, i live in central Pa.
I got the 4:20, but I'm lost, and I have no idea whats going on!!! ???