Warrior Question

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New Member
Sep 19, 2005
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I have a 1998 Warrior and recently I broke the swing arm bearings and I cant remove the swing arm bolt.
Does anybody have any idea on how to help?
Start tapping and torching that ****** out brother. Or I think the most easy thing to do would be to bring it to a shop/dealer and pay them to mess with it!
whenever anything is being stubborn to come out, I find that a little wd40 and hammer the piss out of it goes a long way! Sometimes all it need is a good pounding on the casing to knock it loose. Use a rubber mallet of course. I'll also put the rubber mallet in place and hit it with a mini sledge hammer aswell for some good force. When I bought my used quad it was trashed, the swingarm bearings were completly worn, nothing but bits.The outer case to the bearings were literally welded in the swingarm. I picked up a near new swingarm for $25 on ebay.
I used a sledge and black of wood and just smashed it till the damn thing came out, swingarm bearings arent really that hard to replace its just a bitch getting them out.
the repair manual I have suggested letting the nut on, but not tightened all the way, then putting a socket over the nut and hitting the socket with a hammer. My swingarm bolt came out easy, but that's the method I used when I removed the axle and it worked good
depends on how rough and rocky the trails are, but I would say 5 years maybe. My warrior was about 4 years old when they started to get loose, but I think it was used pretty hard before I got it.