tried some E-85

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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
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Monroe City Mo
dad saw an e 85 pump the other day and had a gas jug so he brought home a couple of gallons and i had read somewhere that it was supposed to be 105 octane. I figured that hey i just as well try it and see what happens, well it wasnt so good, i started the ol warrior up and all it wanted to do was pop. It didnt want to run throughout the rpm range for some reason. I drained it out and ran some 89 and it was all better again. Any suggestions why it did this ?? or does it just not run in stuff not compatible?
That's preignition, the gas was exploding from the compression before the spark plug ignited it, very bad. If it was 105 it would of been the excess octane igniting in your exhaust pipe, sorta like it is running rich.