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Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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    New Member

    Welcome! We're glad to have you!
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    What's New? - A Check in Thread

    Spring is coming. We've had pretty consistent rain the last week. I'm still acting like it's winter though so I'm stuck inside reading.
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    What's New? - A Check in Thread

    The weather has been nuts. You can't trust it. Good days turn into bad days pretty quickly. So, I'm doing indoor stuff till it can get its act together. I'm putting together some new furniture. I miss the days when furniture came assembled.
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    New member saying Hi!

    Welcome to the forum!
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    What's New? - A Check in Thread

    What's everyone been up to? I'm waiting for winter to end to do some outdoor projects, just make things a bit nicer around the house. This is just a check in thread. Let us know what you've been up to.
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    Parts Wanted 1987 warrior headlight stay (headlight bracket)

    Hey, was there any progress on this one? Excited for you to get those parts.
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    Engine knock

    What's the least difficult way if there's any he can do to figure it out?
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    Parts For Sale 1st gen swing arm

    Hey, I'm just curious, have these been sold?
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    Bottom end gets hot

    Hey, did you get it figured out? I'd like to hear some updates if possible.
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    Engine knock

    Hey there, welcome. Guys more knowledgeable will be along soon to answer your questions. Got any pics handy? Pictures can help too.
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    1989 350 Big Bear vs 1989 350 Warrior engine rebuild

    Hey just found this. Hope this is what you're looking for...
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    Bottom end gets hot

    Hey there, got any pics handy? I think it would be very helpful if you can share a pic or two of your bike.
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    1987 Warrior

    Hey, thanks for coming along. Happy new year!
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    Jetting question

    Hey, did you get this figured out? Would be nice if you can share what you ended up doing.
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    87 Warrior 350: Needing list of all bolts

    Hey, did you get this taken care of? Would really like to hear some updates.
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    Kz warrior

    Hey, you're welcome, and see you around.
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    Kz warrior

    Hey there, Merry Christmas!
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    Raptor 350 vs. Warrior 350

    How do these ATVs compare? In terms of handling, power, and weight. Do they have parts that are identical?
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    Merry Christmas everyone

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!