Trevorton PA riders

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Jan 14, 2014
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Anyone who rides in the Trevorton PA area post your pics and write your expierience!
I'm gonna ride there this year. I'm buying my pass for reading anthracite monday. I'm mainly going to ride out of Pottsville tho its closer.
Yea I believe I'm getting the permit for reading also. Do you know if you need to have your quad registered and insured?
Yea I believe I'm getting the permit for reading also. Do you know if you need to have your quad registered and insured?

You`re "supposed" to have it registered and insured. But what I do is just use my tow vehicles paperwork to get the permit. I`ve been riding there for years and I`ve never had my paperwork checked on the ATV. As long as you stay on RAC land and don`t wander onto State Land you`ll be fine.
I wanna make it out this year. Would be nice to ride with a guy who knows the place.
O ok so I do need some type of paper work in order to geta permit?
O ok so I do need some type of paper work in order to geta permit?

They technically want to see the registration and insurance for anything you use on their land. But all you really need to show them is your tow vehicle paperwork. They don`t ask any questions they just want your money.
I rode there this year with some guys and it was sick the hillclimbs and trails are just insane going back in a few weeks.
It's not hard to get it registered and insurance is like 75 a year. You really should have Insurance incase you hit somebody and hurt them or their quad. You should think of others that are out there having fun too.
Yea idk I've never even ever thought of getting insurance. Pretty much every single friend I have has a quad or dirtbike to and they never think about it either. Most of them don't have their titles either.
I'd love to make it to either place this year. Can you go anytime of year?
Anybody have pics?
Yea I believe you can go all year round. They're are videos on YouTube it looks awesome
Coal hill is an awesome place to ride been goin up there for the past 6 years n have no permit the only athority figures weve ever seen were the local cops bitchin bout ridin the main rd that goes up aroundd the backside if ur careful u can. Jus gotta make sure they arnt around. if anyone goes up n needs a tour guide lol lmk i kno the tter trails n good areas to mess around jus msg me. thanks n if yall go up the plz make sure u r very careful wen ridin the hill theres alotta wash outs seen a few ppl get lifelightd outta there cuz thy were bein dumb messin around.have fun n get rowdy just keep it safe ppl.
Never there but live not to far away from there

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There`s a legal place opening next weekend out by Trevorton called Anthracite Outdoor Adventure Area. The property backs up to the coal hill area there`s a ton of trails.
Do you have to have your bike registered and insured?
Are you sure? I was reading that just your tow vehicle needs to be registered with the office. I'm probably wrong thou. I'm going out there this season sometime. 3 hour haul for me.
Are you sure? I was reading that just your tow vehicle needs to be registered with the office. I'm probably wrong thou. I'm going out there this season sometime. 3 hour haul for me.

That`s for Reading Anthracite property you can get away with just showing them your tow vehicle papers to get the permit.

The following list of rules and regulations were approved at a meeting of the Anthracite Outdoor Adventure Area (AOAA) Authority on July 15. It is described as a “living” document that will likely change over time.
All visitors to the AOAA must check-in at the Welcome Center before using the area. All trail users must have a valid AOAA Permit.
Provide proof of valid ATV Registration. We will honor other state-issued registrations.
Provide photo ID. Anyone without Photo ID must provide proof of age or have a legal guardian’s consent.
All riders must use designated entrances only.
All riders and passengers must complete and sign the liability waiver!
All riders/passengers under the age of 18 must have a legal guardian sign the liability waiver.
At least one person in each riding group must have a charged and working cell phone in their possession. Dial 911 for all emergencies

The user permit is to be affixed to the left side of user’s helmet below the goggle line at all times. Users who wish to transfer the permit to another helmet may do so in person by contacting an AOAA Authority Member or staff member. On full size vehicle the permit will be placed on the left front fender area. All riders must carry liability insurance at a minimum. Proof of that insurance must be carried with you when you ride.
All users must abide by all laws of the Commonwealth of Pa. and the local municipalities and must follow ATV rules issued by DCNR .
No passengers on any ATV unless the ATV is manufactured for the driver and a passenger.
No alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs may be carried onto or consumed on the AOAA property. Coolers can be inspected at any time to enforce this rule.
Firearms or weapons of any kind are prohibited. During posted hunting seasons on the AOAA property , appropriate firearms or bows would be allowed.
Sound intensity produced by all vehicles are subject to sound testing and must include a spark arrestor. Provisions may be made for special events.
Parking is permitted in designated areas only.
No person may enter the AOAA except through designated entrances and during posted days and hours of operation.
Obey all signs, gates and barriers.
Stay on marked trails. Stay within the posted area of the AOAA.
Do not enter a “no trail, “no entry” or gated area.
No person shall drive any vehicle unless that person meets the minimum age recommendation specified by the ATV/UTV manufacturer for the ATV/UTV that is being driven.
.All speed limits are to be obeyed and always drive or ride at a speed reasonable for the conditions.
Stop when signaled by a Ranger.
No camping is permitted..
TREAD LIGHTLY and be respectful of other users.

Everyone must wear a DOT, SNELL or other approved helmet and protective eye wear, such as goggles, full face shield or glasses, etc.
Wear protective footwear — no open toes or sandals permitted.
Wear seat belts at all times if your vehicle was originally manufactured with them.
Recommended ATV rider gear ---Gloves, chest protector, long pants and long sleeve shirts.
All riders must keep hands on the handlebars and feet on the pegs at all times.
The parking lot is for parking and unloading only with a maximum speed limit of 5 MPH. No speeding, tricks, or horseplay permitted.
Travel is permitted on designated routes only. Blazing new trails is strictly prohibited and can lead to disciplinary action including ejection from the facility.
All vehicles must operate in a manner to avoid incidents and/or accidents.
All off road vehicle drivers must follow the vehicle manufacturer’s safe operating procedures.
Please expect oncoming traffic and always be courteous and utilize proper trail etiquette.
Ride the trails appropriate for your machine and skill level.
For your safety, all riders are required to be in groups of two or more.
Non-operative vehicles should be moved to the side of the trails and attended to immediately.
If you find yourself in need of a winch, please use tree saver straps on an appropriate size tree to protect the scenic beauty of the trail. Under no circumstances is the cutting of any tree permissible.
The Anthracite Outdoor Adventure Area Authority is neither liable nor responsible for damage, loss or theft of personal property or injury to riders or visitors.