my warrior

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Jun 28, 2005
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i just bought a warrior i use to have 400ex didnt like it for xc. So i have about 400 bucks i already have a wb e series. i was wondering wich mods i should do first.
Tires. Piston, cam. 3 angle valve job and Port and Polish best ones out there. May need an oil cooler after those though. and maybe a K&N or something like that.
Tires. Piston, cam. 3 angle valve job and Port and Polish best ones out there. May need an oil cooler after those though. and maybe a K&N or something like that.

Why get a 3-angle valve job when you can get better for about the same cost (SERDI VJ/Full Race) SERDI is definitely better then a 3-angle bro... I would get the Pro Design K&N clamp on kit, edelbrock carburetor, and nice 20" tires to start with. Then depending on what way you want to go (handling or power) id go with a stroker kit or make the bitch wide. When the warriors are widened and have 20" tires they are ******* PLANTED.

An oil cooler is a good mod to have even in stock form...
Why get a 3-angle valve job when you can get better for about the same cost (SERDI VJ/Full Race) SERDI is definitely better then a 3-angle bro... I would get the Pro Design K&N clamp on kit, edelbrock carburetor, and nice 20" tires to start with. Then depending on what way you want to go (handling or power) id go with a stroker kit or make the bitch wide. When the warriors are widened and have 20" tires they are ******* PLANTED.

An oil cooler is a good mod to have even in stock form...[/quote]
pretty much said it all righ tthere^^^
i dont want to put a piston or any of that, tires yes i was thinkin of getting a hotcam or pro design clamp on kit wich do u think should be first... and the 400 bucks was cdn.
ok thanks deathshadow i was goin to buy a hot cam and it was 200 bucks but i dont think i will now.

and are the whitebros carbs r they worth it and how much more hp do u think i would get
I would get the edelbrock carb over the whitebros (about a 3HP gain from this carb). The edelbrock carb also has a diesel accelerator pump and no jetting!!
I would get the edelbrock carb over the whitebros (about a 3HP gain from this carb). The edelbrock carb also has a diesel accelerator pump and no jetting!!

You can do away with jetting the entire bike if you upgrade to the edelbrock carb?