New guy from WI

Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2005
Reaction score
Hi all,

I just found this site this week and so far I am really impressed by it. I posted a few times in other categories and figured I should formally introduce myself now :D So here's my story.

I live just outside of milwaukee. I got my warrior last year and started riding trails this year. I have an 87 which I got for free from my parents. They had it on their farm for a few years and never used it. Pretty sweet deal for me. Anyways, last weekend was my first time out on the trails with it and I siezed the rod bearing! Not a big deal though b/c its an excuse to modify it. I have it all apart and ordered a new rod and JE +2mm piston 10.7:1 compression ratio. I also have a full cobra exhaust kit and plan on mounting an oil cooler per the tutorial. I will post pics when I am done.

I work as an R&D engineer for a small construction equipment company. I tear down and build prototype engines and equipment every day. Hopefully I can share some of my knowledge and help build up the site. Like I said earlier I am really impressed with the technical knowledge that I have already read. Keep up the awesome work.
wlcmoe ti the site mans im realf ****** drunkd right nos but pleas feelf eree to add any information u dhave idreccomend ditchi the cobra tho get an hfm an or pro ciruict you'll ge much beter gains throiug out thr pm range.
The cobra exhaust came on the quad when I got it. Heck, I didn't even know that it wasn't stock until I did some investigating. I'm not into racing, all I do is trail ride, so for now the cobra will do. I'll replace it once I manage to rust a hole through it. Thanks for the advice. Its funny that I could totally understand what you were typing even though most of your words were misspelled. I guess I had a few of those drunken night myself :)